Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Salaam all,
Waqaloo hathihi anAAamun waharthun hijrun la yatAAamuha illa man nashao bizaAAmihim waanAAamun hurrimat thuhooruha waanAAamun la yathkuroona isma Allahi AAalayha iftiraan AAalayhi sayajzeehim bima kanoo yaftaroona
The Aya says:
And they said: “these are reserved livestock and crops, no one eats it except whom we will” by their claim, and livestock whose backs were forbidden and livestock they do not mention Allah’s name upon, making things up upon Him. He will pay them back by what they used to make up.
My personal note:
The Aya continues talking about the restrictions that they placed while claiming religious reasons. So, they restrict some of the food from some people while giving it to others. In other areas, they restrict the benefit of riding the animals and in other ways they ban the mentioning of Allah’s name when they slaughter the animal.
The term “backs are forbidden” suggests that they ban anyone from riding them and therefore making the animal of no or very limited benefit.
The aya gives an indirect strong message to the Muslim community not to claim things as forbidden or limited or restricted unless there is clear evidence from the Qur’an and Sunna.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Waqaloo: and they said/ communicated
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence.
Hathihi: these/ this
anAAamun: livestock
Note: ANAAaMUN is derived from the root N-Ain-M and it means soft in the concrete sense. In abstract, it means anything that can be understood as soft as in soft to touch and soft in treatment and soft life as in a life that does not have much hardship. ANAAaMUN are the soft animals and that includes all predominantly herbivorous animals whether domestic or otherwise.
Waharthun: and crops
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. HARTHUN is derived from The root Ha-R-TH and it means the work on the land as in the planting and nurturing and harvesting of the land. It can be used for the crops or for the land that is to be planted or is planted. HARTHUN means work of the land or land that if nurtured, will be productive or the crop.
Hijrun: limited/ reserved/ stored aside
Note: Hajar means stone or rock. The root is HA-J-R and it means to prevent/to make barrier, probably because stones make a good barrier. Derivatives of the root can also mean room/house since the house is the rock of the person (The place that is protected the most or the place that needs to be protected the most). HIJRUN means something with limited access to or reserved or put aside.
la yatAAamuha: does not eat it/ does not taste it
Note: la is for negation of the coming action. YATAAaMUHA is derived from the root TTa-Ain-M and it means anything that is eaten or put in the mouth. YATAAaMUHA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of eating or tasting the object (HA= her/ them) is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular or plural).
Illa: except/ if not
Man: Who
Nashao: we will/ we want
Note: the root is SH-Y-Hamza and it means entity for noun and to entity for the action. This means making a non entity become an entity, which also means making what was impossible possible, or what was non existent, existent or what was un-allowed allowed, and so forth. NASHAO is an action that is related to the root that is being completed or will be completed. It means: The entity is happening or will be happening by the subject (first person plural).
bizaAAmihim: by their claim
Note: Bi suggests that what comes after it is either a tool of the action or an object of the action or any combination of the three. If bi serves as an object of the action that it serves as an emphasis of the action. ZaAAMIHIM is derived from the root Z-ain-M and it means claim. This can conceptually means, claim, guarantee as well as a lie or truth, depending on the context. ZaAAMI means claim of. HIM means them.
waanAAamun : and livestock
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. ANAAaMUN is derived from the root N-Ain-M and it means soft in the concrete sense. In abstract, it means anything that can be understood as soft as in soft to touch and soft in treatment and soft life as in a life that does not have much hardship. ANAAaMUN are the soft animals and that includes all predominantly herbivorous animals whether domestic or otherwise.
Hurrimat: were made forbidden
Note: the root is Ha-R-M and it means “forbidding and forbidden to violate”. HURRIMAT is an action that is completed. It means: the action of making the object (the following things) forbidden happened by an undeclared subject, but is understood to God.
Thuhooruha: their backs
Note: the root is TH-H-R and it means back of something. This is the concrete word and it also means the behind of something because the back is also the behind. It can also mean the most apparent because and the most exterior of an entity depending on the context of the sentence. THUHOORU means backs of. HA means them.
waanAAamun : and livestock
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. ANAAaMUN is derived from the root N-Ain-M and it means soft in the concrete sense. In abstract, it means anything that can be understood as soft as in soft to touch and soft in treatment and soft life as in a life that does not have much hardship. ANAAaMUN are the soft animals and that includes all predominantly herbivorous animals whether domestic or otherwise.
la yathkuroona: they do not mention and remember
Note: LA is for negation of the coming action. YATHKUROON is derived from the root TH-K-R and it means mention and remember, at the same time. The concrete word is something running on the tongue as if speaking it. Another concrete word is male or the male organ. The relationship between the two is not very clear and they can be different words that share the sound but have different root. It could be that the male is considered the active organ and that memory is an active process, but that is only a theory. YATHKUROON is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of reminding and mentioning of the object (ISMA ALLAH= name or appellation of Allah) is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural). However, because it was preceded by the negation then it means: they do not mention the name of Allah.
Isma: name of/ appellation of/ what the entity is deserving to be called by
Note: the root is S-M-W and it means rising. This word is used to mean many things that are related to that meaning. One of the meanings is name because when a person’s name is called, he or she would rise and respond. ISMA means name or appellation or what an entity deserves to be called by.
Allahi: Allah
Aaalayha: upon them
Iftiraan: concocting/ making things up
Note: the root is F-R-W and it means the furr or the animal or the skin that is normally covered with hair. This word is used when people are concocting things and making things up that are not true. It could be related to the action of cutting the skin apart or making things up as in making a dress out of the skin and so forth. IFTIRAAN means concocting or making things up.
Aaalayhi: upon Him (Allah)
Sayajzeehim: He will pay them back/ He will compensate them
Note: the root is J-Z-Y and it means compensation for action that can be good or bad. SAYAJZEEHIM is an action that will happen in the future. It means: the action of paying back is going to happen to the object (HIM=them) by the subject (third person singular pointing to Allah)
Bima: by what/ with what/ in what
Note: Bi denotes that what comes after is a tool and/or an object or an association with an action that was mentioned. If it is an object of the action then it makes it stronger. MA means what
Kanoo: they happened to be/ they were
Note: the root is K-W-N and it means being. KANOO is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of being happened by the subject (third personal plural). This in turn means: they were or they happened to be
Yaftaroona: concoct
Note: the root is F-R-W and it means the furr or the animal or the skin that is normally covered with hair. This word is used when people are concocting things and making things up that are not true. It could be related to the action of cutting the skin apart or making things up as in making a dress out of the skin and so forth. YAFTAROON is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of concocting or making up untruths is being made to happen by the subject (third person singular) for themselves.
Salaam all and have a great day.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Salaam all,
Wakathalika zayyana likatheerin mina almushrikeena qatla awladihim shurakaohum liyurdoohum waliyalbisoo AAalayhim deenahum walaw shaa Allahu ma faAAaloohu fatharhum wama yaftaroona
The Aya says:
And as such, the partners of the polytheists made beautified for many of them the killing of their offspring in order to make them perish and to confuse their religion upon them. And if Allah willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and what they concoct.
My personal note:
The Aya is pointing to the practice of some of the pre-Islamic Arabs of killing some of their kids, mostly girls because of fear or poverty or some other reason that may be dressed in religious form or religious practice.
The Aya points that polytheism or any wrong belief system may lead people to adopt totally wrong actions and absurd actions in the name of religion. The partners that are mentioned in this Aya are any entities, known or hidden that has a stake and wants to propagate and protect this wrong belief system with the absurd practices that may be associated with it.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Wakathalika: and as such/ and like that
zayyana: he/they ornamented/ beautied
Note: ZAYYANA is derived from the root Z-Y-N and it means what one puts on to add beauty to the look. It is used to cover clothes, jewelry and make up. For the land, it is the grass and the flowers. ZAYYANA is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of beautifying or ornamenting the object (QATLA AWLADIHIM= killing their children) was made to happen by the subject (third person singular or plural).
Likatheerin: to many
Note: LI means to. KATHEER is derived from the root K-TH-R and it means many or numerous in all the planes of thought. KATHEERIN means: numerous or many or a lot.
Mina: of
Almushrikeena: the ones who make partners (To Allah)/ the polytheists
Note: the root SH-R-K and it means partner or partnership and with this partnership is a measure of equality or being on par. ALMUSHRIKEENA are the ones who make partners to God in worship or in action and that includes the polytheists.
Qatla: killing/ fatally injuring/murdering
Note: the root is Qaf-T-L and it means killing or actions that potentially can lead to death including injury and others. QATLA is the action of killing or murdering or fatally injuring
Awladihim: their children/ their offspring
Note: AWLAD is derived from the root W-L-D and it means giving birth or conceiving. AWLADI are products of giving birth of. HIM means them.
shurakaohum: their partners
Note: the root SH-R-K and it means partner or partnership and with this partnership is a measure of equality or being on par. SHURAKAO means partners of. HUM means them.
Liyurdoohum: to make them fall/ to make them perish
Note: Li means to or in order to. YURDOOHUM is derived from the root R-D-Y and it means a fall that leads to bad injury or death. Conceptually, it can be used to point to anything that leads to really bad consequences. YURDOOHUM is an action that is happening or will be happening. It means: the action of making the object (HUM= them) fall or perish is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).
Waliyalbisoo: and to dress/ and to confuse
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. LI means to or in order to. YALBISOO is derived from the root L-B-S and it means in concrete clothing or clothes. Conceptually, it can be used for camouflaging something or trying to confuse it or present it differently as well. YALBISOO is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of wearing clothes is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural). In this context, it points to confusing and camouflaging rather than real clothing because it was followed by the AAaLAYHIM that is coming next.
Aaalayhim: upon them
Note: the presence of this word makes the understanding for yalbisoo that came before more related to confusion and camouflaging things.
deenahum: their religion/ their sense of obligation
Note: the root is D-Y-N and it means debt or law or religion. What groups them together is the concept of obligation, since religion is the obligation of man towards God. DEENI is obligation of or religion of, with religion being the obligation of man towards God. In this context, it points to fulfilling those issues. HUM means them.
Walaw: while if
Shaa: He willed/ He entitied
Note: the root is Sh-Y-Hamza and it means entity. SHAA is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means that the action of entitying happened by the subject (third person singular). Therefore it means: He entitied and in this context, it takes the meaning He willed.
Allahu: Allah/God
Note: Allah is the subject of the action that was mentioned earlier SHAA.
ma faAAaloohu: they would not have done it
Note: MA is for negation of what is coming next and in this sense is a response to the conditional with a negation. FaAAaLOOHU
ma faAAaloohu: they would not have done him/it
Note: MA is a response of negation for the conditional that started with WALAW. FAAaLOOHU is derived from the root F-Ain-L and it means doing. FAAaLOOHU is an action that is completed. It means: the action of doing happened by the subject (third person plural) of the object (HU=him and points to their wrong actions).
fatharhum: then leave/ let go
Note: FA means therefore or so or then. THAR is derived from the root W-TH-R and it means in concrete the small pieces of meat that one puts in the stew. It can also point to the foreskin that is removed in circumcision. Conceptually, it can point to something that you let go without causing you concern or harm. THAR is an order addressing a singular. It means: leave or let go. HUM means them.
Wama: and what
Yaftaroona: they concoct/ they make up
Note: the root is F-R-W and it means the furr or the animal or the skin that is normally covered with hair. This word is used when people are concocting things and making things up that are not true. It could be related to the action of cutting the skin apart or making things up as in making a dress out of the skin and so forth. YAFTAROON is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of concocting or making up untruths is being made to happen by the subject (third person singular) for themselves.
Salaam all and have a great day.








Saturday, June 16, 2012
Salaam all,
WajaAAaloo lillahi mimma tharaa mina alharthi waalanAAami naseeban faqaloo hatha lillahi bizaAAmihim wahatha lishurakaina fama kana lishurakaihim fala yasilu ila Allahi wama kana lillahi fahuwa yasilu ila shurakaihim saa ma yahkumoona
The Aya says:
And they made for Allah, from what he propagated of the crops and the livestock an allotment, so they said: This is for Allah, by their claim and this is for the partners of ours. So what was for their partners will not reach towards Allah while what was for Allah will reach towards their partners. Ugly is what they judge.
My personal note:
The term SHURAKINA was translated as partners of ours. It is actually pointing to the partners that they set to worship in addition to Allah. The Aya points to the action of the preislamic arabs of setting portions of the food as offerings for Allah and portions for the other Gods they worshiped. Then they take what was offered to Allah and give it to their partners for one reason or another.
Translation of the transliterated words:
WajaAAaloo: and/including they made into/ transformed into/ formed into
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. JaAAaLOO is derived from the root J-Ain-L and it means making, forming or transforming something that already exists. Conceptually, it takes the meaning of transformation more often than formation. JaAAaLOO is an action that is completed. It means: the action of transforming the object (SHURAKAA= partners) by the subject (third person plural).
Lillahi: to Allah/ for Allah
Mimma: from what
Tharaa: He created/ propagated
Note: the root is TH-R-Hamza and it means creation or something that propagates. In concrete it is used for the beginning of the planting and it is also used for anything that increases in number as the white hair on the head and so on. THARAA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of creation and propagation happened of the object (Min of/ from) happened by the subject (third person singular pointing to Allah).
Mina: of/ from
Alharthi: the crops
Note: The root is Ha-R-TH and it means the work on the land as in the planting and nurturing and harvesting of the land. It can be used for the crops or for the land that is to be planted or is planted. ALHARTHUN means work of the land or land that if nurtured, will be productive or the crop.
waalanAAami: and the domesticated animals/ the providing animals/ the soft animals/ the livestock
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. ALANAAaMI is derived from the root N-Ain-M and it means soft in the concrete sense. In abstract, it means anything that can be understood as soft as in soft to touch and soft in treatment and soft life as in a life that does not have much hardship. ALaNAAaMI are the soft animals and that includes all predominantly herbivorous animals whether domestic or otherwise.
naseeban: A part/ A portion
Note: The root is N-Sad-B and it means something elevated that it can be seen. It then can take many other meanings as in pursuit of something elevated, uphill or difficult and tiring effort and a worshipped stature since it is usually elevated or pursued. NASEEB is used to mean a portion or part of something. When one places an entity on an elevated area, then it is ready to be picked by some and that may be the relation to portion to be picked and so on.
Faqaloo: so they said
Note: FA means so or therefore or then QALOO is derived from the root Qaf-W-L and it means saying in any way possible. QALOO is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means the action of saying happened by the subject (third person plural). This, in turn means: they said or responded or communicated.
Hatha: this
Lillahi: to Allah/ belongs to Allah/ offered to Allah/ for Allah
bizaAAmihim: by their claim
Note: Bi suggests that what comes after it is either a tool of the action or an object of the action or any combination of the three. If bi serves as an object of the action that it serves as an emphasis of the action. ZaAAMIHIM is derived from the root Z-ain-M and it means claim. This can conceptually means, claim, guarantee as well as a lie or truth, depending on the context. ZaAAMI means claim of. HIM means them.
Wahatha: while this
Lishurakaina: to our partners/ belongs to our partners
Note: LI means to and in this context it points to belonging or being offered to. SHURAKAINA is derived from the root SH-R-K and it means partner or partnership and with this partnership is a measure of equality or being on par. SHURAKAI means partners of. NA means us.
Fama: so what
Kana: was / happened to be
Note: the root is K-W-N and it means being. KANA is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of being happened by the subject (third personal singular or plural). This in turn means: He/ they was or He/ they happened to be
lishurakaihim: to their partners/ belongs to their partners
Note: LI means to and in this context it points to belonging or being offered to. SHURAKAIHIM is derived from the root SH-R-K and it means partner or partnership and with this partnership is a measure of equality or being on par. SHURAKAI means partners of. HIM means them.
Fala: then will not
Yasilu: arrive/ connect
Note: the root is W-Sad-L means a connection. Some of the derivatives WOOSOOL mean arrival somewhere (since by arriving, you conceptually connected between two places or two entities). YASILU is an action that is happening or will be happening. It means: the action of arriving or connecting is happening by the subject (third person singular pointing to ma= what)
Ila: to/ towards
Allahi: Allah
Wama: while what
Kana: was / happened to be
Note: the root is K-W-N and it means being. KANA is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of being happened by the subject (third personal singular or plural). This in turn means: He/ they was or He/ they happened to be
Lillahi: to Allah/ for Allah
Fahuwa: then He/ it
Yasilu: connects/ arrives
Note: the root is W-Sad-L means a connection. Some of the derivatives WOOSOOL mean arrival somewhere (since by arriving, you conceptually connected between two places or two entities). YASILU is an action that is happening or will be happening. It means: the action of arriving or connecting is happening by the subject (third person singular pointing to ma= what)
Ila: to/ towards
Shurakaihim: their partners/ partners of theirs
SHURAKAIHIM is derived from the root SH-R-K and it means partner or partnership and with this partnership is a measure of equality or being on par. SHURAKAI means partners of. HIM means them.
Saa: bad/ugly/ became bad or ugly
Note: the root is S-Y-Hamza or S-W-HAMZA and it means hated word or deed. It can also conceptually mean ugly or vulnerable. All the meanings are linked somehow by one concept. This word then means different things according to the plane of thought that is being talked about. SAA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of becoming ugly or bad happened by the subject (MA=what). In here it actually means is ugly or is known as ugly or bad.
Ma: what
yahkumoona: they rule/ judge/ steer
Note: the root Ha-K-M and it means the steer that steers the animal. This word is used for ruling and judging as well as other meanings that contain steering as part of the concept. HAKEEM means wise or the steering. The steering means the entity that steers in the best way possible using the best tools of knowledge, compassion, justice and mercy, and that is wisdom. YAHKUMOON is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of ruling or judging is happening by the subject (third person plural).
Salaam all and have a great day.










Friday, June 08, 2012
Salaam all,
Qul ya qawmi iAAmaloo AAala makanatikum innee AAamilun fasawfa taAAlamoona man takoonu lahu AAaqibatu alddari innahu la yuflihu alththalimoona
The Aya says:
Say (O Muhammad): O my people, work upon your stance, I am working, for you (plural) will know to whom belongs the consequence of the abode. Indeed, the unjust do not succeed.
My personal note:
The Aya is telling us that working upon a certain stance has consequence that can be good or bad. Therefore one has to make sure that the stance or the premise for their work is upon the right principles and basis. The best basis to work on is the basis of Monotheism and it is the most just, therefore the one that causes success.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Qul: Say/ communicate/respond
Note: the root is Qaf-W-L and it means saying or communicating. QUL is an order or a request addressed to a singular. It means: say or communicate.
ya qawmi: O my people
Note YA is for calling. QAWMI is derived from the root Qaf-W-M and it means standing upright or standing. The upright can be in all planes of position and for a horizontal dimension it means straight. QAWM are the people who stand together or stay together as in the same time and place. QAWMI in this context means my people.
iAAmaloo: do/ work
Note: the root is Ain-M-L and it means doing or work. iAAMALOO is an order or request addressing a group. It means: Do or work.
Aaala: upon
Makanatikum: your standing/ your placement/ your stance
Note: the root is K-W-N and it means being. MAKANA is place or time of being and in this context it is pointing to their standing and stances and point of view and so on.
Innee: I
Aaamilun: doing/ working
Note: the root is Ain-M-L and it means doing or work. AAaMIL means doing or working.
Fasawfa: therefore shall/ will
taAAlamoona: you know
Note: TaAALAMOON is derived from the root Ain-L-M and it means knowing/knowledge or knowledge of facts. TaAALAMOON is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of knowing the object (not specified but probably points to the piece of information) for fact is happening or will be happening by the subject (second person plural).
Man: who
Takoonu: she will be
Note: TAKOONU is derived from the root K-W-N and it means being. TAKOONU is an action that is being completed or will be completed. Here it is in future sense. It means: The action of being will happen by the object (this person singular pointing to AAQIBATU = consequence of). It therefore means: She becomes or she will be.
Lahu: to him/ belongs to him
Aaaqibatu: ending of/ final consequence of
Note: the root is Ain-Qaf-B and it means back of foot. This is the concrete meaning and it is used to mean end, back or behind including the consequence of a person’s action and it can also mean obstacle. AaaQIBATU means ending of/ final consequence of
Alddari: the house/ the abode
Note: ALDDARU is derived from the root D-W-R and it means to circle around. Conceptually it can be used for a house or any entity that may have a circle around it or that surrounds an entity and so on. ALDDARI in this context means house or abode or realm. The whole sentence “MAN TAKOONU LAHU AAaQIBATU ALDDARI will mean= To whom the final consequence of the house/ abode will belong”
Innahu: indeed
la yuflihu: they do not succeed/ they do not make success
Note: LA is for negation of the action that is coming after. YUFLIHU Note: LA is for negation of the action that follows. YUFLIHU is derived from the root F-L-Ha and it means to plow the land. This is also considered as a cause for one to have the better harvest. YUFLIHU is an action that is being completed or will be completed. This verb means literally, make themselves cause better harvest. This, in turn means make themselves succeed but also open the door for others to succeed.
alththalimoona: the unjust
Note: the root is THA-L-M and it means darkness in the most concrete form. This word also takes the meaning of misplacing right from wrong and transgression or injustice since injustice is displacing right from wrong and a decision made in darkness. ALTHTHALIMOON are the unjust or the one who misplaces right from wrong intentionally and that is the one who decides and acts in darkness.
Salaam all and have a great day.








Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Salaam all,
Inna ma tooAAadoona laatin wama antum bimuAAjizeena
The Aya says:
Indeed, what you (plural) are promised is coming, and you are incapable of pushing back.
My personal note:
The Aya is a reminder to those of us who may not like the message of God. It reminds us that there is no point in resisting or fighting God because we are incapable of doing it. Therefore the wise decision is to join in. This would be the first step for someone to accept the message that he or she may not initially like. Hopefully with time, he or she will recognize the peace and serenity in choosing this path and therefore becomes a loving and willing participant in this path. May Allah open our eyes, ears and hearts to His message always.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Inna: indeed
Ma: what
tooAAadoona: you (plural) are promised
Note: the root is W-Ain-D and it means promise. TooAAaDOONA is an action that is being completed or will be completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of promising the object (second person plural) is happening or will be happening by an undeclared subject.
Laatin: is coming (with emphasis and certainty)
Note: LA is for emphasis added to the action. ATIN is derinved from the root Hamza-T-Y and it means in concrete the water that comes from the rain of another land. In concrete it means the coming of something or someone with many of it’s implications. ATIN means coming.
wama antum: and you (plural) are not
bimuAAjizeena: capable of pushing back/ resisting successfully/ to overcome
Note: the root is Ain-J-Z and it means push away. In concrete it is used for pushing the dirt away and so on. Conceptually, it is used for inability or failure as well as for pushing away. BIMuAAJIZEEN means making the other unable so, it points to pushing away/ back or successfully resisting.
Salaam all and have a great day






Friday, June 01, 2012
Salaam all,
Warabbuka alghaniyyu thoo alrrahmati in yasha yuthhibkum wayastakhlif min baAAdikum ma yashao kama anshaakum min thurriyyati qawmin akhareena
The Aya says:
Andyour (singular) nurturing Lord is the one without need, the proprietor of the Mercy. If He willed, He could make you (plural) disappear and replace you after that with whatever He wills, Just as He initiated you from offspring of different people.
My personal note:
The Aya reminds us that Allah is the one who is completely independent while we as humans are always dependant on other entities and most importantly dependant on Allah. The Aya also reminds us that our own existance is dependant on the will of Allah for He willed us to live in those days of ours after our ancestors have gone and we will go and our offspring will replace us.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Warabbuka: and your nurturing lord
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. RABBUKA is derived from the root R-B-B and it means nurturing and Lordship as two components of the meaning that can be present together or one at a time according to the context of the sentence. RABBU is nurturing Lord of. KA means singular you.
Alghaniyyu: the rich/ without need/ without need for assistance.
Note: the root is Ghain-N-Y and it means freedom from need in any of it’s forms. The word is used to mean rich, because the rich has less needs or no financial need or no need for assistance. ALGHANIYYU means the rich or the one without need for assistance.
Thoo: one of
Alrrahmati: the mercy
Note: the root is R-Ha-M and it means womb in concrete. This term is used to mean mercy and all the good that the womb provides. RAHMA is the womb-like mercy.
in yasha: If He willed/ If He wills
Note: IN is a conditional. YASHA is derived from the root SH-Y-Hamza and it means entity for noun and to entity for the action. This means making a non entity become an entity, which also means making what was impossible possible, or what was non existent, existent or what was un-allowed allowed, and so forth. YASHA is an action that is related to the root that is being completed or will be completed. It means: The entity is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular and points to God). Because it comes after the conditional, it attains the feeling of “If He willed” or “If He wills”
Yuthhibkum: He would make you (plural) go/ disappear
Note: the root is TH-H-B and it means gold. One of the derivatives of the root also means going and it is not clear what the relationship between the two meanings are. YUTHHIB is an action that is a response to the conditional. It means: He would make you go or disappear.
wayastakhlif: and He would give authority/ and He would replace
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. YASTAKHLIF is derived from the root KH-L-F and it means behind in time or place or any other plane of thought. For time, it takes the meaning of what happens after or the future. YASTAKHLIF is an action that would give response to the original conditional. It means: and He would give authority. This is because KH-L-F as what comes after means replacement and in this context it is an issue of authority
Min: from
baAAdikum: after you (plural)
Note: the root is B-Ain-D and it means further in time or space. In space it means farther in distance and in time, it means after. BaAADI here means: after. KUM means plural you.
Ma: what
Yashao: He wills/ He entities
Note: the root is SH-Y-Hamza and it means entity for noun and to entity for the action. This means making a non entity become an entity, which also means making what was impossible possible, or what was non existent, existent or what was un-allowed allowed, and so forth. YASHAO is an action that is related to the root that is being completed or will be completed. It means: The entity is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular and points to God).
Kama: as/ like
Anshaakum: made you (plural ) start/ made you rise/ initiated you
Note: ANSHAAKUM is derived from the root N-SH-Hamza and it means the start and progressison of an entity. In concrete usage it is used for the young man or woman and so on where they started and progressed to that stage. ANSHAAKUM is an action that completed. It means: the action of making an object (KUM= plural you) rise or start and progress happened by the subject (third person singular)
Min: from
thurriyyati: offspring of/ descendants of
Note: the root is TH-R-R and it means what one pinches with his hands or fingers and disperses. THURRIYATAN is the product of this dispersal and those are the seeds of the man or his garden or the offspring because the offspring is what a person disperses on earth.. THURRIYATI means descendants of.
Qawmin: people
Note: the root is Qaf-Y-M and it means standing or standing upright. ALQAWM are the people that stand together and that makes the group or people or nation, basically, any group of people that stand together. Here. It points to the particular group that wants to get away from their obligation to fight. QAWMIN means.
Akhareena: remaining/ other
Note: the root is Hamza-KH-R and it means remaining. AKHAREEN means the remaining or the later. This, in turn means a remaining group and that is another group.
Salaam and take care all.
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