Salaam all,
وَآخَرُونَ اعْتَرَفُواْ بِذُنُوبِهِمْ خَلَطُواْ عَمَلاً صَالِحًا وَآخَرَ سَيِّئًا عَسَى اللّهُ أَن يَتُوبَ عَلَيْهِمْ إِنَّ اللّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ
Waakharoona iAAtarafoo bithunoobihim khalatoo AAamalan salihan waakhara sayyian AAasa Allahu an yatooba AAalayhim inna Allaha ghafoorun raheemun
The Aya says:
While others, confessed their sins. They mixed good deeds with bad deeds. Hopefully Allah will bestow repentance on them. Indeed, Allah is forgiving, graceful.
My personal note:
The Aya mentions a category that probably encompasses a lot of us and that is mixing good deeds with bad deeds. It also brings about recognition that they have committed wrong acts rather than deny it. The Aya uses the word ASA which means perhaps but always has a certain hope or likelihood that what follows will or may happen.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Waakharoona: and others
Note: the WA here is for contrasting the discussion coming up with the previous one. AKHAROON is derived from the root Hamza-KH-R and it means remaining. AKHAROON in this context means others in the sense that they are still not entered in the discussion after the previous two groups.
iAAtarafoo: recognized/ confessed
Note: the root is Ain-R-F and it means the elevated place that is easily recognized from a distance such as a landmark or so. iAATARAFOO is an action that is completed. It means: the action of self-recognition happened by the subject (third person plural). This in turn takes the meaning of recognizing but also confessing at least to oneself what the person had done or thought or said.
Bithunoobihim: their sins/ in their sins/ with their sins
Note: BI signifies an attachment or close linkage between what is before and what is after it. In a Verbal sentence it can mean attachment to the action or to the subject as it does the action. This attachment can then signify many things according to the verb and to the sentence and so on. THUNOOBIHIM is derived from the root th-n-b and it means tail of an animal. However, it also has the meaning of sin or crime or error. Thunoobi means sins or crimes of. HIM means them.
Khalatoo: they mixed
Note: The root is KH-L-TTA and it means when two things or more of different natures are mixed together. KHALATOO is an action that is completed. It means: the action of mixing the object (AAaMALAN= an action) happened by the subject (third person plural)
AAamalan: an action/ work/deed
Note: the root is Ain-M-L and it means doing or work. AAaMALAN means doing or work or action.
Salihan: beneficial/ good/ righteous
Note: SALIHAN is derived from the root Sad-L-Ha and it means becoming helpful or useful in a good direction. This means mainly: becoming one of benefit as in benefiting oneself and others. Included in this meaning is becoming fixed after having been broken. SALIHAN is good/righteous and beneficial.
Waakhara: and another
Note: the WA here is for contrasting the discussion coming up with the previous one. AKHARA is derived from the root Hamza-KH-R and it means remaining. AKHARA in this context means another.
Sayyian: bad/ ugly/
Note: the root is S-Y-Hamza or S-W-HAMZA and it means hated word or deed or something. It can also conceptually mean ugly or vulnerable. All the meanings are linked somehow by one concept. This word then means different things according to the plane of thought that is being talked about. SAYYIAN means bad/ugly/ not righteous.
AAasa: perhaps/ hopefully/ likely
Note: AAaSA is an expression that is often translated as perhaps or may be. However, it denotes a closer likelihood of the action happening or at least that the action will happen.
Allahu: Allah
An: that/ to
Yatooba: accept repentance/ facilitate repentance/ bestow
Note: YATOOBA is derived from the root T-W-B and it means repentance or the ultimate return to GOD. The concrete word that is related is TABOOT and it means coffin which is what takes us to our ultimate return to GOD or repentance. YATOOBA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of facilitating or accepting repentance or ultimate return (to God) is happening by the subject (third person singular)
AAalayhim: upon them
Inna: indeed
Allaha: Allah
Ghafoorun: forgiving/ provider of protective cover/ protectively covering
Note: the root is GH-F-R and it means covering for protection. The concrete word is the helmet of the fighter. GHAFOORUN is the one that covers to protect. This, in turn means protection from committing the sin and protection from the consequences of sin, which also means forgiving
Raheemun: Merciful
Note: the root is R-Ha-M and it means womb in concrete. This term is used to mean mercy and all the good that the womb provides. RAHEEM is the one with the womb-like mercy.
Salaam all and have a great day