Salaam all
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَكُونُواْ مَعَ الصَّادِقِينَ
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ittaqoo Allaha wakoonoo maAAa alssadiqeena
The Aya says:
O faithful, be mindful of Allah and be amongst the truthful
My personal note:
This is short but very significant. It is a call and demand of the people of faith to be mindful of Allah in all their actions and words and to be truthful. Truthfulness can be in words but is most important in deeds. That is why the word for charity is derived from this root. This is because their deeds confirm the truthfulness of their words:
Translation of the transliterated words:
Ya ayyuha: O you
Allatheena: those who
Amanoo: made themselves safe/ attained faith
Note: the root is Hamza-M-N and it means safe or safety. AMANOO is an action that is derived from the root and that is completed. It means: the action of making the object (not mentioned and therefore the subject and the object can be the same entity here) become safe happened by the subject (third person plural). So, it ends up meaning: they made themselves safe.
Ittaqoo: Be mindful of
Note: the root is W-Qaf-Y and it means guard and protect. Since the best way to guard is through consciousness, then I am using consciousness as a meaning here. ITTAQOO is an order or a request addressed to a group. It means: be mindful/ pay attention
Allaha: Allah
Wakoonoo: and Be
Note: WA here is for addition or inclusion. KOONOO is derived from the root K-W-N and it means being. KOONOO is an order or a request to group. It means: Be.
maAAa: with/ amongst
alssadiqeena: the truthful (in words, heart and deed)
Note: the root is Sad-D-Qaf and it means truth in word or deed as a concept. When it is in deed, it takes the shape of any act of truthfulness including charity, in a sense the deed proves the truthfulness of the heart and the word in form of deeds. ALSSADIQEEN are the truthful in words, heart and deeds.
Salaam all and have a great day
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