Sunday, August 21, 2005


Salaam all,

This is 2:149
وَمِنْ حَيْثُ خَرَجْتَ فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَإِنَّهُ لَلْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّكَ وَمَا اللّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ
Wamin haythu kharajta fawalli wajhaka shatra almasjidi alharami wainnahu lalhaqqu min rabbika wama Allahu bighafilin AAamma taAAmaloon

The Aya says:
And from where you(singular) came out, therefore direct your face towards half (the earth) of Masjid Alharam, and He (the order) is the abiding truth from your nurturer and the GOD pays attention to what you(plural) do.

My personal note:
MASJID ALHARAM would be translated linguistically as the place of Sujood (defined as prostration or any act that reveals signs of submission to something or someone greater) that is a cause for non violation. This is also the name of the area around the Ka’aba in Mecca. A place where it is forbidden to violate the peace of it and it is forbidden to fight or hunt in it.

Towards half the earth of means the general direction of it east,west, north, south and so forth.

The Masjid Alharam is the place where the prophet came out, because he was from Mecca.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Wamin: And from
Haythu: Where
Note: the root is Ha-Y-TH and it means where is place or time or otherwise.
Kharajta: you came out
Note: the root is KH-R-J and it means coming out as in coming out of home or hiding place and so forth. KHARAJTA is the second person singular masculine past tense of a verb that is derived from the root. This verb means You arrived coming out which means you came out.
Fawalli: Therefore direct/make directed
Note: FA means therefore. WALLI is derived from the root W-L-Y and it means direction in place, time or order of life. WALLI is an order form of the verb that is addressing a single male and it means make yourself arrive direction literally and that means direct or make directed.
Wajhaka: Your face/your acceptance/your front
Note: the root is W-J-H and it means face in concrete. WAJHIKA means your face. This face can have the abstract meaning as well of direction/acceptance/front.
Shatra: half of somehting of (here it is half the earth)/general direction of
Note: the root is SH-Ta-R and it means half of a whole. It also can mean direction as in directing oneself towards the half of the earth that is in that direction, therefore, general direction of.
almasjidi: place of showing sign of submission/place of prayer
Note: the root is S-J-D and in concrete it means a tree that is tilting downward due to a heavy load of fruits. It therefore is used to mean tilting downward of the face or the body including prostration. In abstract, it means showing signs of submission to a higher power/showing that one is giving in to the higher power. ALMASJID is the place or time where this act is performed and this is used to mean any place of prayer or mosque.
alharami: the one that is a cause for forbiddance to violate.
Note: the root is Ha-R-M and it means forbidden to violate or forbidding to violate. HARAM means a cause for forbidding to violate. This means forbidding to violate the place itself and things around it. Therefore being a cause for non violation.
Wainnahu: And he
Note: the He here points to the order.
Lalhaqqu: The abiding truth (with stress)
Note: the root is Ha-Qaf-Qaf and it means abiding truth. LALHAQQ is the same but with added stress
Min: From
Rabbika: your nurturer
Note: the root is R-B-B and it means nurturing, education, growth and protection at the same time. RABB is the one that does all. I used the word nurturer for ease.
Wama: And not
Allahu: The GOD
Bighafilin: Not paying attention
Note: The root is GH-F-L and it means not paying attention. GHAFIL is the person that does not pay attention.
AAamma: about what
taAAmaloon: you (plural) do
Note: the root is Ain-M-L and it means doing or working. TaAAMALOON is the second person plural present or future tense of a verb that is derived from this root. This means literally you arrive at doing and in actuality it means you do or you will do.

Salaam all and have great day


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