Friday, May 17, 2013


Salaam all,

Wanada ashabu alnari ashaba aljannati an afeedoo AAalayna mina almai aw mimma razaqakumu Allahu qaloo inna Allaha harramahuma AAala alkafireena

The Aya says:
And the people of Hell called the people of Heaven that provide us some of the excess of water or from what Allah provided you. They responded: “Allah made the two forbidden for the rejectors”.

My personal note:
The Aya brings about an important reminder and that the water and other important provisions of this life will be forbidden upon the person who rejects Allah and His messengers and message. May Allah protect us and prevent us from falling into that bad outcome.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Wanada: and called
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. NADA is derived from the root iN-D-Y and it means in concrete dew or water touching a surface. It is also used for voice reaching an entity. In both, the shared meaning is something touching or arriving at another entity. In this instance, it is the calling. NADA is an action that is completed. It means the action of calling happened by the subject (third person singular or plural).
ashabu : companions of
Note: The root is Sad-Ha-B and it means companion or companionship. ASHABU are companions of.

alnnari: the fire/ Hell
Note: the root is N-W-R and it means lighting. This could be lighting light or lighting fire according to the word and the context. ALNNARI is the fire and here it points to Hell.
ashaba : companions of
Note: The root is Sad-Ha-B and it means companion or companionship. ASHABA are companions of.

aljannati: the garden/ Paradise
Note: ALJANNATI is derived from the root J-N-N and it means hidden or hiding. It is therefore used to mean darkness because it hides as well as garden because gardens can be hidden or because it has less light than the place out in the sun for the Arabs of the desert. In this context it is pointing to paradise.

An: that
Afeedoo: give us excess/ flood us/ overflow us
Note: the root is F-Y-Dhad and it means flooding as the tears flooding the eyes or the river flooding it’s banks. This is the concrete and in the abstract, it means the flooding of something or overflowing with something in the abstract sense as when many people or animals fill a certain place. AFEEDOO is an order or a request addressed to a group. It means overflow us or give us some of the excess or overflow.
Aaalayna: upon us
Mina: of/ from
Almai: the water/ the liquid
Note: the root is M-Y-Hamza and it means water but it applies to any lquid depending on the context. In this context is can apply to water or any liquid that can quench the thirst.
Aw: or
Mimma: from what/ of what
Razaqakumu: He provided you (plural)
Note: RAZAQAKUM is derived from the root R-Z-Qaf and it means provision and conceptually, it covers any form of providing especially for needs. RAZAQA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of providing the object (Kum=plural you) happened by the subject (third person singular pointing to Allah)
Allahu: Allah

Qaloo: they said/ they communicated/ they responded
Note: QALOO is derived from the root Qaf-W-L and it means saying in any way possible. QALOO is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means the action of saying happened by the subject (third person plural). This, in turn means: They said/ communicated.
Inna: indeed/ verily
Note: this initiates a sentence but it can also be used for some mild emphasis
Allaha: Allah
harramahuma: He (Allah) made the two forbidden/ forbidden to violate
Note: the root is Ha-R-M and it means “forbidding and forbidden to violate”. HARRAMA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of making the object (Huma= the two) forbidden happened by the subject (third person singular).
Aaala: upon
Alkafireena: the rejectors
Note: ALKAFIREEN is derived from the root K-F-R and it means cover or bury in the ground, as in put the seed in the ground and cover it. This is then used conceptually for many purposes as in discarding and rejecting as well as burying. ALKAFIREENA are the ones who reject the truth or discard it.

Salaam all and have a great day

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