Friday, December 29, 2023


 Salaam all


 إِلاَّ ٱلَّذِينَ صَبَرُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّالِحَاتِ أُوْلَـٰئِكَ لَهُمْ مَّغْفِرَةٌ وَأَجْرٌ كَبِيرٌ 

illā alladhīna abarū waʿamilū l-āliāti ulāika lahum maghfiratun wa-ajrun kabīrun


The Aya says:

Except those who acted with deliberation and did the deeds of reconciliation/ good deeds.  To those belong protective cover and a big reward.


My personal note:

The Aya tells us about two features of those that Allah will protect and reward.  The two words are SABR which is often means patience and that is correct but it very importantly means that the actions of the person are never reactionary but a product of self restraint and of being deliberate and measured.  The other feature is good the Salihat deed and Salihad signifiies fixing what is broken, doing something that benefits the person and humanity and reconciling between humanity.


Translation of the transliterated words:

illā: except

alladhīna: those who

abarū: acted with deliberation/ acted with restraint

Note: The root Sad-B-R and it means jail or prison. The word is used to mean patience and restraint at the same time, since both are about imprisoning our negative emotions, thoughts, and the push to act uninhibited.  SABAROO is an action that is completed.  It means: the action of acting with restraint or deliberation happened by the subject (third person plural).

waʿamilū: and did/ including did

Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture.  WA is often translated as an addition (and), but inclusion probably covers the meaning a little better.  AAaMILOO is derived from the root Ain-M-L and it means doing or work. AAaMILOO is an action that is completed.  It means: the action of doing or happened by the subject (third person plural). 


l-āliāti: deeds of benefit/ deeds of reconcilation

Note: ALSSALIHATI is derived from the root Sad-L-Ha and it means becoming helpful or useful in a good direction. This means mainly: becoming one of benefit as in benefiting oneself and others. Included in this meaning is becoming fixed after having been broken.  ALSSALIHATI then here are the acts of righteousness/ good deeds and deeds of benefit and reconciliation.


Ulāika: those

Lahum: to them belongs

Maghfiratun: forgiveness/ protection/ protective cover

Note: the root is GH-F-R or Ghain-F-R and it means covering for protection. The concrete word is the helmet of the fighter or anyone at risk. In the Qur’an the usual context is protection from the consequences of poor actions or sins. MAGHFIRATUN is a forgiven but in a wider sense it is a protection or protective cover.

wa-ajrun: and / including recompense/ reward

Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture.  WA is often translated as an addition (and), but inclusion probably covers the meaning a little better.  AJRUN is derived from the root Hamza-J-R and it means compensation for work done. Conceptually it is used to point to what the person receiving what they deserved. AJRUN means compensation of work or just compensation or reward of or dues of.

Kabīrun: big

Note: the root is K-B-R and it means big in quality or quantity or any other feature that denotes bigness. KABIR means big


 Salaam all and have a great day



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