Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Good morning,

I have edited the post of 2:7 and now is the post of today.

2:10 في قلوبهم مرض فزادهم الله مرضا ولهم عذاب اليم بما كانوا يكذبون
Fee quloobihim maradun fazadahumuAllahu maradan walahum AAathabun aleemun bimakanoo yakthiboona

Fee quloobihim: In their hearts and minds (See 2:7)
Maradun: Sickness/disturbance/instability
Note: MARAD is the Arabic word that is used to mean illness or sickness. The official meaning though is disturbance or instability of a system.
fazadahumuAllahu: So GOD increased their
Note: Z-Y-D is the root and it means to increase something.
maradan: Sickness/disturbance/instability
walahum: And to them (belong)
AAathabun: Suffering
Note: The word AAathb is a derivative of the same root and it means “Easy to eat/take/swallow”. It is used in the Qur’an in 25:53 and 35:12. AAathab is a verb that means Avoided to eat (or other functions) due to some problematic factor (usually not pleasant as in pain, severe thirst…etc). AAaTHAAB, with a longer second syllable, is the problematic factor that made a person not want to eat or do other functions. It is generally used to mean Sufferring since it blocks one’s appetite.
Aleemun: Painful
Note: ALAM is pain. ALEEM is painful.
Bimakanoo: For what they used to
Yakthiboona: Lie
Note: K-TH-B is the root and it means to lie. YAKTHIBOON is a present tense 3rd person plural.

My Note:
This means “The cores of their selves (hearts and minds) are sickened/disturbed, So GOD increased their sickness/disturbance and they deserve painful suffering for their lies”
This reinforces the same message that came in 2:6 and 2:7 and that is if man/woman chooses to close his/her mind and aims to inflict harm on GOD and GOD’s people, then GOD (through his laws of human nature and otherwise) is going to lead them deeper in that direction. Human salvation comes through consciousness (the opening of the senses to GOD’s signs) and through the asking for aid from GOD.

And I will see you tomorrow.


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