Faliqu alisbahi wajaAAala allayla sakanan waalshshamsa waalqamara husbanan thalika taqdeeru alAAazeezi alAAaleemi
The Aya says:
One who cracks open the morning light, and He made the night calmness, and the sun and the moon calculation. That is setting of limits of the dominantly strong, the knowing.
My personal note:
The Aya uses the root of F-L-Qaf as cracking open the morning or morning light. Then it brings our attention that Allah made the night calmness in the sense of rest and relaxation and so on. He also brought to our attention that the sun and the moon were considered calculatio and this points to the fact that we calculate time by the sun and the moon. Islamically, our prayer times are determined by the position of the sun in the sky and the days are determined by the sun while the months are determined by the moon.
I translated the term TAQDEER as setting of limits which is within the range of the meaning. Another way of understanding it is as “measuring” and that is also within the range of the meaning. I chose “Setting of limits” because that understanding not only covers the measurement but also tells us that Allah did set the limits and knows the measure at the same time.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Faliqu: one who cracks open/ opener/ creator
Note: the root is F-L-QAF and it means cracking something open. It is used for the cracks in the feet. It is also used for cracking open the egg and the new chicks come out. Conceptually, it is used often used for things that crack open and a new product or creation emerges. FALIQU means: one who cracks open. It can also mean creator because that is what happens when things crack open, some new beginnings.
Alisbahi: the lighting/ the morning light
Note: ALISBAH is derived from the root Sad-B-Ha and it means coming of the morning in concrete. The term can also mean become. On a conceptual level, the two meanings are related since the night becomes day and so forth. ALISBAHA is the morning light.
wajaAAala: and/including He made into/ transformed into/ formed into
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. JaAAaLA is derived from the root J-Ain-L and it means making, forming or transforming something that already exists. Conceptually, it takes the meaning of transformation more often than formation. JaAAaLA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of transforming the object (ALTHTHULUMATI= the darknesses) by the subject (first person singular pointing to Allah).
allayla: the night
Note: ALLAYLA is derived from the root L-Y-L and it means night. ALLAYLA means the night.
sakanan: rest/ calmness/ relaxation
Note: the root is S-K-N and it means Ashes which is the product of the end of the fire. The conceptual meaning has many forms and it means rest or lack of movement, but it also means the lack of energy or running out of energy. SAKANAN means rest or calm and relaxation.
Waalshshamsa: and the sun
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. ALSHHAMSA is derived from the root SH-M-S and it means sun. ALSHSHAMSA is the sun.
Waalqamara: and the moon
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. ALQAMAR is derived from the root Qaf-M-R and it means moon. SALQAMAR is the moon.
Husbanan: Calculation/ counting/ dating./ accounting of time
Note: the root is Ha-S-B and it means calculating from all the aspects of it. HUSBANAN means calculation or counting. In this context this calculation is for dating and counting the dates and the months and the years.
Thalika: that
Taqdeeru: setting of limits of
Note: the root is Qaf-D-R and it means in concrete cooking the meat in the pot. Conceptually it takes the meaning of measuring, putting limits on an entity and capability to cover the exact need and task. TAQDEERU means setting of limits or making of measures.
alAAazeezi: the Dominantly strong/ dominant
Note: the root is Ain-Z-Z and it means the hard earth that will not yield under the rain and therefore, will make the rain water flow rather than seep or cause the earth to erode. It is used for entities that are strong and defeat pressure, basically the combination of strength and dominance.
alAAaleemi: the knowledgeable/ the knowing
Note: the root is Ain-L-M and it means knowing/knowledge or knowledge of facts. ALAAaLEEM is the one that is very knowledgeable
Salaam all and have a great day.
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