Walitasgha ilayhi afidatu allatheena la yuminoona bialakhirati waliyardawhu waliyaqtarifoo ma hum muqtarifoona
The Aya says:
And in order that hearts of those who do not have safety in the next life be tempted towards it (the appealing misleading talk) and in order that they lovingly accept it and in order that they earn what they earn.
My personal note:
There are two words here that appear for the first time in this blog. They are TASGHA derived from the root SAD-Ghain-Wor Y which means the tilting in one direction or another and is used for being tempted in one direction or another. In this context, it is tempted by the flowery or pretty appealing but at the same time misleading talk.
The other word is YAQTARIFOO and it is derived from the root Qaf-R-F and it means the outer cover of something which sheds and can be separated such as the bark of the tree or the skin of the seed or the outer skin that sheds and so on. YAQTARIFOO is more in the understanding of adding more layer to themselves and so it is understood conceptually as earning and putting on a new additional layer.
As if the Aya is mentioning three stages that lead one to another or that can co-exist with each other. They are being first tempted by the beauty of the talk that is misleading, then accept it lovingly and not skeptically and then act upon what it dictates. In sense it is pointing to the insidiousness of this process and brings our attention to that insidiousness so we do not fall into it.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Walitasgha: and in order that they get attracted/ and in order that they tilt/ and in order that they follow/ and to be tempted
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. LI means to or in order to. TASGHA is derived from the root Sad- Ghain-W or SAD-Ghain-Y and it means in concrete when the camel tilts the neck towards the speaker and so on. Conceptually, it is then used for tilting in one direction as opposed to another as well as for attraction and following. TASGHA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means the action of getting attracted or following or tilting is happening or will be happening by the subject (AFIDATU= hearts of/ energies of)
Ilayhi: towards him (the appealing talk)
Afidatu: hearts of/ energies of/ the things that move them
Note: The root is F-Hamza-D and it means the oven or the fire with which one cooks or grills and so on. Conceptually, It is used for the source of energy within us and so on and that is used for the heart or the heart of the heart. AFIDATU means hearts of or energies of/ the things that move them.
Allatheena: those who
la yuminoona: do not make themselves safe/ trust
Note: LA is for negation of the coming action. YUMINOONA is derived from the root Hamza-M-N and it means safety. Conceptually, it can also be extended to trust as well, because we feel safe in the entity we trust. YUMINOONA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of making oneself safe is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).
Bialakhirati: in the later life
Note: Bi suggests that what comes after it is either an association with the action, a tool of the action or an object of the action or any combination of the three. If bi serves as an object of the action that it serves as an emphasis of the action. ALAKHIRATI is derived from the root Hamza-KH-R and it means remaining. ALAKHIRATI means the remaining or the later. This, in turn means the later life or the life after death.
Waliyardawhu: and in order that they lovingly accept/ they approve
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. LI means to or in order to. YARDAWHU is derived from the root R-Dhad-Y and it means loving acceptance, or agreeing and loving at the same time or mainly approval since approval has the meaning of acceptance in a deeper sense. YARDAWHU is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of loving acceptance or approval of the object (HU= the misleading talk) is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).
Waliyaqtarifoo: and in order that they earn/ add to their burdens or ownership
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. LI means to or in order to. YAQTARIFOO is derived from the root Qaf-R-F and it means the outer layer of an entity. QIRFA is the name for cinnamon and it is the bark of the tree. The word is used for any bark of any tree as well as the outer cover of the seeds and the outer cover of our skins, including the layer of dirt or skin that can be exfoliated with the loofah. IQTIRAF is a term used for taking and adding another layer and so on linguistically, and so conceptually it is used for earning and adding to oneselves’ burden. YAQTARIFOO is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of earning or adding to ownership is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural)
Ma: what
Hum: they
Muqtarifoona: earning/ are earning
Note: MUQTARIFOON is derived from the root Qaf-R-F and it means the outer layer of an entity. QIRFA is the name for cinnamon and it is the bark of the tree. The word is used for any bark of any tree as well as the outer cover of the seeds and the outer cover of our skins, including the layer of dirt or skin that can be exfoliated with the loofah. IQTIRAF is a term used for taking and adding another layer and so on linguistically, and so conceptually it is used for earning and adding to oneselves’ burden. MUQTARIFOON means are earning or earning and so on.
Salaam all and have a great day
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