Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Salaam all,

this is 2:179

وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصَاصِ حَيَاةٌ يَاْ أُولِيْ الأَلْبَابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
Walakum fee alqisasi hayatun ya olee alalbabi laAAallakum tattaqoon

The Aya says:
And belongs to you life in the rule of equality of the crime to the punishment, O people who resort to the substance inside(unbiased brain and heart). Perhaps you guard yourselves (through consciousness).

My personal note:
The Aya says that the rule of making the committer of a crime against a fellow human meet the same punishment is a source of life to people who are conscious.

The Aya addresses the OLEE AL ALBAB and that means the people who ultimately resort to the useful substance that is inside them to reach the conclusions. I considered this useful substance the unbiased brain and heart.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Walakum: And to you (plural) belongs
Fee: in
Alqisasi: that whoever perpetrates a crime against another human face the same action.
Note: the root is Qaf-Sad-Sad and it means cutting in conrete as in cutting hair or other things. In abstract it is also used in telling a story because it is a cutting of the bigger story of life. ALQISASU is a form of the word that suggests interaction and therefore, it means literally, cutting opposite cutting. This cutting opposite cutting actually means that the one that perpetrates a crime against another, will have to suffer the same that he/she did
Hayatun: life
Note: the root is Ha-Y-W and it means living or the opposite of death. HAYAT is life.
Ya: O ye
Note: this is a calling
Olee: People of/people who ultimately resort to
Note: The root is Hamza-W-L and it means ultimating which means reaching an ultimate goal or ending or meaning or an ultimate resource. OLEE are the people who ultimately resort to
Alalbabi: the substance/the brain
Note: the root is L-B-B and it means the center of the seed that is eatable and nurturing. This is the concrete meaning and in abstract, it means substance of value including especially the brain.
laAAallakum: perhaps
tattaqoon: you make selves conscious/you make selves guarding
Note: the root is W-Qaf-W and it means guarding which happens through consciousness. TATTAQOON is the second person plural present or future tense of a verb that is derived from this root. This verb means literally, make selves arrive guarding through consciousness. Make selves conscious.

Salaam all and have a great day


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