Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 Salaam all


وَيَسْتَنْبِئُونَكَ أَحَقٌّ هُوَ قُلْ إِي وَرَبِّيۤ إِنَّهُ لَحَقٌّ وَمَآ أَنتُمْ بِمُعْجِزِينَ

wayastanbiūnaka aaqqun huwa qul ī warabbī innahu laaqqun wamā antum bimuʿ`jizīna


The Aya says:

And they inquire from you (Singular): “Is it true?” Respond: :Yes by my Nurturing Lord it is true/binding and you (plural) incapable of halting.


My personal note:

The Aya describes some of the discussion with some of the non believers.  They ask the prophet upon him be peace if this is true/binding about the matter of punishment for sins on the day of Judgement.  The answer is to swear that it is and that non is capable of halting it.


Translation of the transliterated words:

wayastanbiūnaka: and they ask you (singular) information

Note: WA is for initiation of a sentence connected to the previous one somehow.  YASTANBIOONAKA is derived from the root N-B-Hamza and it means news or information. YASTANBIOONA is an action that is happening or will be happening.  It means: the action of asking information of the object (KA-singular you) is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).


aaqqun: Is it true/ is it binding?

Note: the root is Ha-Qaf-Qaf and it means binding right where right means correct as well s what is due to one person (rights and obligations). AHAQQUN is a question and it means:  Is it true/ is it binding?.


Huwa: him/ it

Qul: say/ respond

Note: QUL is derived from the root Qaf-W-L and it means saying in any way possible. QUL is a demand or request addressed to a singular.  It means: say or respond. 


Ī: yes (with emphasis)

Warabbī: by my Nurturing Lord/ I swear by my nurturing Lord

Note: WA hear serves an oath.  RABBEE is derived from the root R-B-B and it means nurturing and Lordship as two components of the meaning that can be present together or one at a time according to the context of the sentence.   RABBIEE is nurturing Lord of mine/ my nurturing Lord. 

Innahu: it

laaqqun: indeed true/ binding

Note: la is for emphasis.  HAQQUN is derived from the root Ha-Qaf-Qaf and it means binding right where right means correct as well s what is due to one person (rights and obligations). HAQQUN means binding right or binding truth.


Wamā: and not

Antum: you (plural)

bimuʿ`jizīna: able to push back/ able to resist

 Note: the root is Ain-J-Z and it means push away. In concrete it is used for pushing the dirt away and so on. Conceptually, it is used for inability or failure as well as for pushing away. BIMuAAJIZEEN means making the other unable so, it points to pushing away/ back or successfully resisting.


Salaam all and have a great day


Friday, March 18, 2022


 Salaam all


ثُمَّ قِيلَ لِلَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ ذُوقُواْ عَذَابَ ٱلْخُلْدِ هَلْ تُجْزَوْنَ إِلاَّ بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَكْسِبُونَ


thumma qīla lilladhīna alamū dhūqū ʿadhāba l-khul`di hal tuj`zawna illā bimā kuntum taksibūna


The Aya says:

Then it was said to the transgressors:  “experience the eternal suffering.  Will you be paid back other than what you used to earn?!”


My personal note:

The Aya brings about that although the punishment is eternal, it is the just payback for what the gravity of the sin.


Translation of the transliterated words:

thumma: then

qīla: was said/ it was said

Note: QEELA is derived from the root Qaf-W-L and it means saying in any way possible. QEELA is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means the action of saying happened by an undeclared subject. 


Lilladhīna: to those who

alamū: Transgressed/ were unjust

Note: THALAMOO is derived from the root THA-L-M and it means darkness in the most concrete form. This word also takes the meaning of misplacing right from wrong and transgression or injustice since injustice is displacing right from wrong and a decision made in darkness. THALAMOO is an action that is completed. It means the action of misplacing/ transgressing or acting unjustly/ unfairly is happened by the subject (third person plural)


Dhūqū: Taste/ experience

Note:  THOOQOO is derived from the root TH-W-Qaf and it means taste in all it’s aspects. In a conceptual fashion, it is the sensation.   THOOQOO is an an order or a request.  It means: Taste/ experience.


ʿadhāba: suffering of/ punishment of

Note: AAaTHAB is derived from the root Ain-TH-B and it means an easy to swallow food or drink. AAaTHABA is what makes one not take an easy to swallow food or drink. That is suffering of or punishment of.


l-khul`di: the eternity

Note: the root is KH-L-D and it means something that stays the same. In concrete, it is used for the rocks and the mountains that seem to be unchanged through the ages.  ALKHULDI means the lasting forever/ the eternity.

hal tuj`zawna: Will you get compensated?!

Note: HAL is a beginning of a question.  In here it is rhetorical TUJZAWNA is derived from the J-Z-Y and it means compensation for action that can be good or bad.  In this context, it is good.  TUJZAWNA is an action that is happening or will be happening.  It means: the action of compensating or paying back the object (second person plural) is happening or will be happening by an undeclared subject.

Illā: except/ if not

Bimā: by what/ for what

Note: BI signifies an attachment or close linkage between what is before and what is after it.  In a Verbal sentence it can mean attachment to the action or to the subject as it does the action.  This attachment can then signify many things according to the verb and to the sentence and so on.  In this sentence causation and so on.


kuntum: you (plural)were/ you happened to be

Note: It is derived from the root K-W-N and it means being.  KUNTUM is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of being happened by the subject (second personal plural). 


Taksibūna: earn

Note: the root is K-S-B and it means earning, acquiring or collecting. TAKSIBOON is an action that is being completed or will be completed and that is derived from the root. It means: the action of earning or collecting is happening or will be happening by the subject (Second person plural).


 Salaam all and have a great day



Friday, March 11, 2022


 Salaam all


 أَثُمَّ إِذَا مَا وَقَعَ آمَنْتُمْ بِهِ الآنَ وَقَدْ كُنتُم بِهِ تَسْتَعْجِلُونَ


athumma idhā mā waqaʿa āmantum bihi āl`āna waqad kuntum bihi tastaʿjilūna


The Aya says:

Is then that when it impacted you attained faith in him?  Now and you were hastening it?!


My personal note:

The Aya delves into the psyche of rejectors.  They challenge the potential punishment by saying bring it on and when it happens they develop faith but it may be too late.


Translation of the transliterated words:

athumma: Is it then?

Idhā: when

Mā: what

waqaʿa: fell/ happened/ caused impact

Note: the root is W-Qaf-Ain and it means one entity falling on another, mainly things falling on the ground and causing a sound or effect. It is often used for the raining hitting the ground. Conceptually, it is used for falling and also for taking effect or making an effect on another entity.  WAQaAAa is an action that is completed.  It means: The action of making impact happened by the subject (third person singular or plureal).

Āmantum: you (plural) attained faith

Note: the root is Hamza-M-N and it means safe or safety. AMANTUM is an action that is derived from the root and that is completed. It means: the action of making the object (not mentioned and therefore the subject and the object can be the same entity here) become safe happened by the subject (second person plural). So, it ends up meaning: you attained faith,


Bihi: of it/ in him

Note: BI signifies an attachment or close linkage between what is before and what is after it.  In a Verbal sentence it can mean attachment to the action or to the subject as it does the action.  This attachment can then signify many things according to the verb and to the sentence and so on.  HI means Him or it and it points to the message/ Qur’an. 


 āl`āna: Now?

Waqad: and indeed/ when indeed

Kuntum: you (plural)were/ you happened to be

Note: It is derived from the root K-W-N and it means being.  KUNTUM is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of being happened by the subject (second personal plural). 


Bihi: in him/ it (the punishment)

Note: BI signifies an attachment or close linkage between what is before and what is after it.  In a Verbal sentence it can mean attachment to the action or to the subject as it does the action.  This attachment can then signify many things according to the verb and to the sentence and so on.  HI means Him or it and it points to the punishment. 


tastaʿjilūna:  Hastening

Note:  The root is  Ain-J-L and it means speed and to be in a hurry. It is conceptually used for wheel as a source of speed.  TASTaAAJILOON is an action that is happening or will be happening.  It means: the action of seeking to hasten is happening or will be happening by the subject (second person plural)


 Salaam all and have a great day


Tuesday, March 08, 2022


 Salaam all


 قُلْ أَرَأَيْتُمْ إِنْ أَتَاكُمْ عَذَابُهُ بَيَاتاً أَوْ نَهَاراً مَّاذَا يَسْتَعْجِلُ مِنْهُ ٱلْمُجْرِمُونَ


qul ara-aytum in atākum ʿadhābuhu bayātan aw nahāran mādhā yastaʿjilu min`hu l-muj`rimūna


The Aya says:

Say (Oh Muhammad): “Have you (plural) considered if his punishment came to you night time or daytime.  What/ Why the guilty hasten it?”


My personal note:

The Aya reminds us that the criminals/ guilty ask to hasten their punishment for ignorant reasons and for challenging Allah without the ability to fend off.


Translation of the transliterated words:

qul: say/ continue/ proceed

Note: QUL is derived from the root Qaf-W-L and it means saying in any way possible. QUL is a demand or request addressed to a singular.  It means: say or respond.  In this context it also takes the shape of proceed/ continue.


ara-aytum: Have you foreseen?/ have you considered?

Note: the root is R-Hamza-Y and it means viewing or seeing in the concrete form.  Conceptually, it also takes the meaning of point of view/ consideration and opinion/ vision.  ARA’AYTUM is an action in a question form.  It means in this context:  Have you considered/ have you foreseen?

In: if

Atākum: came to you (plural)

Note: the root is Hamza-T-Y and it means coming with determination. The concrete word is for the water that flows in a place where it did not rain, therefore suggesting that the water came from somewhere else. ATA is an is an action that is completed.  It means the action of coming to the object (KUM=plural you) happened by the subject (third person singular) .  Although it is presenting a past tense but the action is in the future.


ʿadhābuhu: his punishment/ his infliction of suffering

Note:  AAaTHABU is derived from the root Ain-TH-B and it means an easy to swallow food or drink. AAaTHABU is what makes one not take an easy to swallow food or drink. That is suffering of. HU means him and points to Allah.  It then takes the meaning of His punishment or the suffering that He inflicts on you.

Bayātan: night time/ sleep time

Note: the root is B-Y-T and it means to reach the night and BAYT is the place that you spend the night in. It is also used for any structure that can be used for that purpose and for animal dwellings.   BAYATAN means night time or sleep time.

Aw: or

Nahāran: day time

Note: the root is N-H-R and one of the concrete meanings of the word is running water or river. It is then used to mean running or flowing in many other meanings and contexts according to the sentence. NAHARAN means day.


Mādhā: what/ why

yastaʿjilu: hasten/they seek to hasten

Note:  The root is  Ain-J-L and it means speed and to be in a hurry. It is conceptually used for wheel as a source of speed.  YASTaAAJILU is an action that is happening or will be happening.  It means: the action of seeking to hasten is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural or singular)

 min`hu: from it/ of it

l-muj`rimūna:  the guilty/ the criminals

Note: the root is J-R-M and in concrete it means: harvesting the dates from the tree or separating/severing the dates from the tree. Conceptually, this word then carries many other meaning including a transgression because the transgression/criminal act is a separation or severing of ties with what is appropriate. MUJRIMOON are the ones who sever ties and those are the criminals and the guilty parties.


Salaam all and have a great day


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


 Salaam all


قُل لاَّ أَمْلِكُ لِنَفْسِي ضَرّاً وَلاَ نَفْعاً إِلاَّ مَا شَآءَ ٱللَّهُ لِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ أَجَلٌ إِذَا جَآءَ أَجَلُهُمْ فَلاَ يَسْتَأْخِرُونَ سَاعَةً وَلاَ يَسْتَقْدِمُونَ


qul lā amliku linafsī arran walā nafʿan illā mā shāa l-lahu likulli ummatin ajalun idhā jāa ajaluhum falā yastakhirūna sāʿatan walā yastaqdimūna


The Aya says:

Say (O Muhammad): I have no authority to cause myself harm or benefit except through Allah’s will.  To each nation an assigned time limit.  When the limit arrives, then they cannot delay it an hour nor advance it.


My personal note:

I translated the word AMLIKU as authority.  It is often translated as ownership and in this Aya as capability.  I did translate as authority because that is closer to the meaning of the root MlK.  Authority then can be one of two things:

1-   Authority to do the act legally.

2-   Authority to do the act in actuality.  In here it takes the meaning of capability despite the fact that we were not granted the legal permission to do it.

So, the Aya covers both elements of authority in a sense.  The next term to be understood is Allah’s will and here it covers two potential meanings:

1-   The Will of Allah in the form of facilitation and encouragement.

2-   The will of Allah in the form of permission for the act to happen, even if it is not something that Allah had legally allowed or desired.

So, to understand the interactions of our authority with Allah’s will, the Aya says that we do not have a legal authority to do ourselves harm or good except when Allah grants that legal authority.  Here the understanding is that Allah wants us to do good to ourselves and prohibits us from doing harm.  The Aya also says that we have no ability to cause ourselves harm or good except when Allah either permits it (in the case of harm, but not legally) or facilitates it (in the case of good).So Allah may permit us to do harm to ourselves for some reason in his wisdom and always facilitates our path to good.  If there was a barrier for our path to good then it is for a bigger good that will happen as a result of that barrier.


Translation of the transliterated words:

qul: Say/ respond

Note: QUL is derived from the root Qaf-W-L and it means saying in any way possible. QUL is a demand or request addressed to a singular.  It means: say or respond. 

lā amliku: I have no authority

Note: the root is M-L-K and it means ownership or authority over something. One concrete meaning is the fruit when it becomes strong and held together. So, in a sense MULK has the meaning of holding things together in a strong bond and that is the authority. AMLIKU is an action that is happening or will be happening or both.  It means: the action of having authority over the subject (DARRAN= harm) is happening or will be happening or both by the subject (first person singular).  It is preceded by LA which negates the action.


Linafsī: for myself/ to myself

Note: LI means to or for. NAFSEE is derived from the root N-F-S and it means to breath. This is the concept and then it can extend to self or anything that breathes. NAFSEE means myself. 


arran: Harm

Note:   DARRAN is derived from the root Dhad-R-R and it means to harm or opposite of benefit. Concrete word is DAREER and it means blind person or a person that is afflicted with weakness and illness. Conceptually, it covers any kind of significant harm or affliction. DARRAN is harm or affliction of or the harm that afflicted


Walā: nor

nafʿan: benefit

Note: NAFaAAN is derived from the root N-F-Ain and it means useful or beneficial or anything that functions as opposite to harm.  NAfaAAN means benefit.

Illā: except/ unless

Mā: What

Shāa: Willed

Note: the root is Sh-Y-Hamza and it means entity. SHAA is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means that the action of entitying happened by the subject (third person singular). Therefore it means: He entitied and in this context, it takes the meaning He willed

Allahu: Allah

 Likulli: To every/ for every

Note:  LI means to or for.  KULLI is derived from the root K-L-L and it means the parts put together. This is the concrete and it means all or every or each. It can also be extended conceptually to mean the parts surrounding an entity. KULLI means every, or each.


Ummatin: nation

Note:  UMMA is derived from the root Hamza-M-M and it means mother or sources/origin if said as UMM and destination if said as AMM. UMMA means in this context nation and that is because it is a group that have the same origin and is moving to the same destination.  Often times it points to outlook and ideology and so on.


Ajalun: time limit/ time span

Note: the root is Hamza-J-L and it means end of an entity. This entity can be time or place or anything that is determined by the sentence. AJALUN means end of time or time span of an entity. 

Idhā: when

Jāa: came

Note:  JAA is derived from the root t J-Y-Hamza and it means coming. One concrete word that is derived from this word is the pool where the rain water comes. JAA is an action that is completed and that is derived from the root. It means that the action of coming happened by the subject (third person singular).

Ajaluhum: time limit

Note: the root is Hamza-J-L and it means end of an entity. This entity can be time or place or anything that is determined by the sentence. AJALU means end of time or time span of an entity.  HUM means them.


Falā: then not

Yastakhirūna: will they delay

Note:  The root is Hamza-KH-R and it means remaining.  In this context it takes the meaning of staying extra or delaying.  YASTAKHIROONA is an action that is happening or will be happening.  It means the action of remaining or delaying is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).  Because it was preceded by the negation then it means the action will not happen.

sāʿatan: an hour/ a time period

ʿatan: an hour/ a portion of

Note:  SaAAaTAN is derived from the root S-Ain-W or S-Ain-Y and it means to hurry but not run nor wallk. For the abstract it means to work on something with some enthusiasm as well as to aim for something.  It may also point to a measure of time like an hour.  . SaAATAN means an hour or a portion of the time. 


Walā: nor

Yastaqdimūna:  push it ahead/ advance it/ forward it

Note: the root is Qaf-D-M and it means foot or the step forward. This is used conceptually in many occasions to point to moving forward or forwarding something and so on. YASTAQDIMOONA is an action that is happening or will be happening.  It means: the action of forwarding is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).  However, again because it is preceded by the negation then it is not happening.


 Salaam all and have a great day
