Saturday, May 29, 2010


Salaam all

Afahukma aljahiliyyati yabghoona waman ahsanu mina Allahu hukman liqawmin yooqinoona

The Aya says:
Is it the steering of ignorance they desire?! And who is better than Allah in steering to people who aim for certainty?!

My personal note:
YOOQINOON is derived from the root Y-Qaf-N and in concrete form it points to the water that reached a point of not flowing anymore, as in reaching the destination of balance at the sea or the lake. Conceptually, it is used to point to certainty or the time and place where our minds and hearts are not searching anymore, as if we have arrived at the knowledge towrds peace and stability.

The Aya contrasts the steering of ignorance where the minds will have to be at a state of movement because it has not yet reached the time and place of peace. This is contrasted with living under the steering guidance of Allah when the mind and heart reaches that peace and rest.

Of course, sometimes we may be following the Qur’an and Sunna but lack some understanding or have a strong influence of our personal bias. Both can prevent us from reaching this peace. This is helped by seeking more knowledge and by consciousness of our own biases whether they are legitimate or questionable.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Afahukma: is it rule of?!/ Is it steering of?!
Note: AFA is a beginning of a question that contains as well a criticism. HUKMA is derived from the root Ha-K-M and it means the steer that steers the animal. This word is used for ruling and judging as well as other meanings that contain steering as part of the concept. HAKEEM means wise or the steering. The steering means the entity that steers in the best way possible using the best tools of knowledge, compassion, justice and mercy, and that is wisdom. HUKMA is rule of or steering of or judgment of.
Aljahiliyyati: the ignorance/ the era of ignorance/ the lack of knowledge
Note: the root is J-H-L and it means to become lacking in knowledge/to become ignorant for the verb. The noun means lack of knowledge/ignorance. ALJAHILIYYATI is the ignorance or lack of knowledge .

Yabghoona: they desire/ want
Note: the root is B-GH-Y or B-GHAIN-Y and it means the young animal or the still unripe fruit. This is the concrete word and the derived words attain the other meanings of youth and desire as well as immature and ugly acts depending on the word and the place in the sentence. Here, it is used to mean desire. YABGHOONA is an action that is happening or will be happening. It means: the action of desiring or wanting is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).

Waman: and who/ while who?!
Ahsanu: more beautiful/ better
Note: the root is Ha-S-N and it means beauty and goodness in all the aspects of beauty and goodness. AHSANU means better or more beautiful.

Mina: from/ than (in this context)
Allahu: Allah
Hukman: rule/ judgment/ steering
Note; the root is Ha-K-M and it means the steer that steers the animal. This word is used for ruling and judging as well as other meanings that contain steering as part of the concept. HAKEEM means wise or the steering. The steering means the entity that steers in the best way possible using the best tools of knowledge, compassion, justice and mercy, and that is wisdom. HUKMAN means ruling or steering or judgment.

Liqawmin: to people
Note: LI means to or for in this context. QAWMIN is derived from the root Qaf-Y-M and it means standing or standing upright. QAWMIN are the people that stand together and that makes the group or people or nation, basically, any group of people that stand together or form a group.

Yooqinoona: who reach certainty/ will reach certainty/ aim for certainty
Note: the root is Y-Qaf-N and it means when the water stops moving as in arriving at the final destination of lake or sea. Conceptually, it is used for reaching certainty because of appropriate proofs because the mind then reaches it’s resting point and does not have to wonder any more for more answers. It is generally the opposite of suspicion or confusion. YOOQINOON is an action that is being completed or will be completed. YOOQINOON means: the action of reaching certainty or aiming for certainty is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).

Salaam all and have a great day.


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