Thursday, October 05, 2006


Salaam all,

This is 3:12
قُل لِّلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ سَتُغْلَبُونَ وَتُحْشَرُونَ إِلَى جَهَنَّمَ وَبِئْسَ الْمِهَادُ
Qul lillatheena kafaroo satughlaboona watuhsharoona ila jahannama wabisa almihadu

The Aya says:
Say to those who rejected: “You will be defeated and gathered and confined to Hell, and hardship (is) the bedding.

My personal note:
The word Mihad was translated as the bedding. Since the bedding is what one looks forward to at the end of the long day of work. Those people are looking forward to a bedding of hardship. In this case, the bedding is one that one meets after the end of life. Therefore they are looking forward to hardship after death. It is also the bedding that they made for themselves, since the word Mihad describes the action of the individuals.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Qul: Say
Note: the root is Qaf-W-L and it means saying. QUL is an order addressing a single person and it means: Say.
Lillatheena: to those who
Kafaroo: rejected
Note: the root is K-F-R and it means burying the seed in the ground for planting. It is used to mean rejection of an idea because that means covering the brain in the ground from the idea or covering the idea so that it is not known or seen. KAFAROO is an action that is derived from the root and that is completed. It means the action of rejection happened by the subject (third person plural pointing to any group that fits the description). It means they rejected or just rejected.
Satughlaboona: You will be defeated
Note: the root is Gh-L-B and it means defeat or defeating. This is the concept and it acquires meanings around this concept including defeat in battle, but also being taken over by hardship and suffering and so forth. SATUGHLABOONA is an action that will take place in the future. It means: the action of defeat will happen by an undeclared subject to the object (second person plural, pointing those who rejected).
Watuhsharoona: and you will be gathered and confined
Note: WA means and. TUHSHAROONA is derived from the root Ha-SH-R and it means insect or any of the small sized animals. It also can mean gathering and confining a group at the same time as a concept. The relationship between the two is that the insects or the very small animals are confined to their small bodies and generally gathered together in big numbers. TUHSHAROONA is an action that will be completed. It means: the action of gathering and confining will happen by an undeclared subject to the object (second person plural pointing to the rejecters).
Ila: to
Jahannama: Hell
Note: this is the name of Hell. It was mentioned in the old testament as Gehenna.
Wabisa: and hardship/ and bad outcome
Note WA means and. BISA is derived from the root B-Hamza-S and it means lion. For the action it means lioning which means to become strong and hard or to suffer from hardship that is in the lion. BISA means hardship or basically bad outcome.
Almihadu: the bedding/
Note: the root is M-H-D and it means the flat place where one can sleep or rest and so forth. It is also used for flat and easy surface of any kind. ALMIHADU is a word that describes an action or the process of the action or the product of the action. The meaning is bedding or making the flat place where one can sleep.

Salaam all and have a great day


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