Friday, September 04, 2015


Salaam all,

Waikhwanuhum yamuddoonahum fee alghayyi thumma la yuqsiroona
The Aya says:
While their brothers, they extend them in the misguidance/ demise then they will not hold back.
My personal note
This contrasts the people who act according to their consciousness of Allah that were mentioned in the previous Aya to the people that are called “Their brothers”.

This group is the contrast because they are not protected by the consciousness and so they are vulnerable to the temptations of Satan and his ilk that will never cease. Their only protection is then to return to Allah and build that consciousness of Him and ask for his aid.

The question of “Their brothers” as in brothers of whom and one can understand it in two ways that are not mutually exclusive:
1- Brother of Satan and his ilk as in their allies and the humans who listen and act according to his whisperings.
2- The brother as the contrast or opposite to the other humans who are guided in their life by God’s consciousness.
May Allah always help us be guided by His consciousness.

Translation of the transliterated words:

Waikhwanuhum: while their brothers/ while their contrasts
Note: WA is for a start of a new statement related to the previous or contrasting it. IKHWANUHUM is derived from the root root Hamza-KH and it means brother or sibling. IKHWANU means sibligs of or brothers of. HUM means them. In this context it is using the sibling as a contrast to the other example just as siblings can be compared to each other.
Yamuddoonahum: they supply them/ they extend to them/ they push them
Note: the root is M-D-D and it means extension or expansion. Some concrete uses of the word are the high tide, when the sea expands, and also when the person lies down and expands himself or herself. YAMUDDOONA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of making the object (HUM= them) extended or expanded is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).
Fee: in
Alghayyi: the misguidance/ the demise
Note: the root is GH-W-Y or Ghain-W-Y and it means the wrong path or the lost path or just the wrong and it also can means the way that leads to demise and failure. ALGHAYY is the misguidance and also the demise at the same time.
Thumma: then
la yuqsiroona: they do not shorten/ they do not hold back
Note: LA is for negation of the action that comes after. YUQSIROON is derived from the root Qaf-Sad-R and it means short in stature. Conceptually, it is used to any form of limit whether in height or other features. The word QASR means a well fortified house or castle or palace because it has limited access to it against invaders and so on. YAQSUROON is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of making short is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).

Salaam all and have a great day


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