Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Salaam all

This is 2:276
يَمْحَقُ اللّهُ الْرِّبَا وَيُرْبِي الصَّدَقَاتِ وَاللّهُ لاَ يُحِبُّ كُلَّ كَفَّارٍ أَثِيمٍ
Yamhaqu Allahu alrriba wayurbee alssadaqati waAllahu la yuhibbu kulla kaffarin atheemin

The Aya says:
Allah diminishes the Usury and makes grow the charities. And Allah (does) not love each rejecter, breaker (of His) laws.

My personal note:
As if God is telling us that the growth that one sees in usury is going to be diminished in God’s eyes, either in this life or the next or both. The Aya also reminds us that God does not love the one that rejects and breaks HIS laws.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Yamhaqu: He diminishes/he destroys
Note: the root is M-Ha-Qaf and it means diminishing an entity or destroying it. YAMHAQU is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of diminishing or destroying, is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular pointing to Allah) to the object (Alrriba, coming up).
Allahu: Allah
Alrriba: the usury/ the demand of more than you give
Note: The root is R-B-Y and it means becoming more than what was. This then means growth and increase in number and quality. ALRIBA is the becoming more in an interactive fashion. This is then taken to mean to give something and demand for more in return. This the Arabic word for Usury.
Wayurbee: and He makes grow
Note: WA means and. YURBEE is derived from the root R-B-Y and it means becoming more than what was. This then means growth and increase in number and quality. YURBEE is an action is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of making grow is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular pointing to Allah) to the object (ALSADAQAT, coming up)
Alssadaqati: the charities/ the acts of truthfulness
Note: the root is Sad-D-Qaf and it means truth in word or deed. When it is in deed, it takes the shape of charity as the act of truthfulness. ALSSADAQATI means charities or acts of charity or acts of truthfulness.
waAllahu: And Allah/And God
la: not/no
yuhibbu: HE loves
Note: the root is Ha-B-B and it means in concrete seed. This word also means love. As if the seed is the product of love or the love will end up in a seed. YUHIBBU is an action that is derived from the root and that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of loving is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular pointing to God). This, in effect means, HE loves
Kulla: Every/each
Note: the root K-L-L and it means the parts that make the whole together. Therefore it means all at times and each or every at others depending on the situation. Here, it means every.
Kaffarin: rejecter
Note: the root is K-F-R and it means covering. One of the concrete meanings of the word is the burying of the seed in the ground to plant it. This word also takes the meaning of rejecting or refusing something, since the person that rejects something will bury it in the ground. KAFFARIN is the one that rejects a lot.
Atheemin: breaking of (God’s) law
Note: the root is Hamza-TH-M and it means doing something that is wrong or breaking a law. ATHEEMIN is the one that breaks God’s law.

Salaam all and have a great day


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