Friday, February 08, 2013


Salaam all,

Ya banee adama la yaftinannakumu alshshaytanu kama akhraja abawaykum mina aljannati yanziAAu AAanhuma libasahuma liyuriyahuma sawatihima innahu yarakum huwa waqabeeluhu min haythu la tarawnahum inna jaAAalna alshshayateena awliyaa lillatheena la yuminoona

The Aya says:
O children of Adam do not let Satan test you/ trick you as he made your two parents exit the garden pulling away their garments to let reveal their private parts. Indeed, he and his kind see you from where you do not see them. We have made the devils guardians/directors to those who do not make themselves trust/ safe (in Allah).

My personal note:
The Aya brings about several important issues. One of them is the fact that the default place for humanity is the Garden where Adam and his spouse were or a place even better than that. However, they allowed Satan to kick them out of it although temporarily duing this life. This also suggests that Allah had designated heaven as our final place unless we do something that prevents us from going there. It is by our faults that we end up in other than our intended place.

The second issue is the matter of making the devils directors or guardians to those who lack trust and safety in Allah. This matter is profound in a way. The reason is that if we contemplate our decision making, the majority of our decisions are based on trust and safety and not necessarily on verifying everything that we are told. If we verify everything we are told then we are paralyzed. So, if a person decides to make a decision that is contrary to what Allah ordered and out of lack of trust in Allah, then this person is trusting another entity and that entity is then considered SHAYTAN. This is because the term Shaytan applies to any entity that is away from Allah’s mercy and makes people move away from Allah’s mercy and this entity could be the person themselves and it could be others whether they are humans or devils or whatever.

May Allah be with us always and build our safety and trust in Him to the strongest degrees possible.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Ya: O
Banee: sons of/ children of
Note: the root is B-N-Y and it means building and it also mean son or child. The relationship between the two meanings is that the son is the product of building the family. Here, it is used to mean child or son. BANEE: means sone of or children of
Adama: Adam
la yaftinannakumu: He should indeed not severely test you (plural)/ Do not let him test you/ trick you
Note: LA is for negation of the action that comes after. In this context this negation is in a form of order not to engage in the action that is coming after. YAFTINANNAKUM is derived from the root F-T-N and it means in concrete form, the melting of Gold or silver in order to know the pure from the impure or the true from the fake. Therefore, in abstract, the word suggests an extreme test with hardship in it, or a burn with fire or even taking someone’s eyes with the glitter of the false Gold and silver. Here, it means the severe test that has hardship in it. YAFTINANNAKUM is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of testing the object (KUM= plural you) is happening or will be happening by the subject (first person singular).

alshshaytanu: Satan/ the one that is displaced from God’s mercy and works on displacing others.
Note: the root is SH-Ta-N and it means in one of the concrete meanings the long rope and in another the long rope at the well that one uses to get the bucket out of the water. The term is used to mean far and away (in all the planes of thought) as the long rope and it is also used for displacement or pulling away, as a parallel to the rope that pulls the bucked out of the water. ALSHAITAN is the one who is far or away (from God’s mercy) and who works at pulling others away through his long “rope”. It is the word used from Satan.
Kama: as/ like
Akhraja: he made come out/ made exit
Note: AKHRAJA is derived from The root KH-R-J and it means coming out or exiting. That is the conceptual meaning and it assumes it’s more specific meaning or meanings according to the plane of thought of the sentence. AKHRAJA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of making the object (ABAWAYKUM= your two parents) come happened by the subject (first person singular pointing to Satan)

Abawaykum: your two parents/ your two ancestors
Note: the root is root Hamza-B and it means father or parent. ABAWAY means two parents of or two ancestors of. KUM means plural you. Here fathers is extended from parents to the two original ancestors.

Mina: from
aljannati: the garden
Note: ALJANNATI is derived from the root J-N-N and it means hidden or hiding. It is therefore used to mean darkness because it hides as well as garden because gardens can be hidden or because it has less light than the place out in the sun for the Arabs of the desert. ALJANNATI means the garden and the use of the AL suggests that Adam knew what is being talked about.
yanziAAu: he removes/ He pulls
Note: YANZiAAU is derived from the root N-Z-Ain and it means pulling of an entity from it’s place or just pulling. YANZiAAU is an action that is being completed or will be. It means: the action of pulling the object (libasahuma= the clothing of the two) is happening or will be happening by the subject (first person singular pointing to Satan).
Aaanhuma: from the two/ away from the two
Libasahuma: their clothing
Note: LIBASA is derived from the root L-B-S and it means in concrete clothing or clothes. LIBASA is clothing of. HUMA is the two of them.

Liyuriyahuma: to make them see / to reveal to the two
Note: Li means to or in order to. YURIYAHUMA is derived from the root is R-Hamza-Y and it means viewing or seeing. YURIYAHUMA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of making the object (HUMA= the two of them) view or see is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular)

Sawatihima: their private parts
Note: the root is S-Y-Hamza or S-W-HAMZA and it means hated word or deed. It can also conceptually mean ugly or vulnerable. All the meanings are linked somehow by one concept. This word then means different things according to the plane of thought that is being talked about. SAWA is what makes an entity vulnerable or weak or ugly. SWATIHIMA is pointing to the private are because of the vulnerability of it.
Innahu: He indeed
Yarakum: He sees you (plural)
Note: YARAKUM is derived from the root is R-Hamza-Y and it means viewing or seeing. YARAKUM is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of seeing the object (KUM plural you) is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular)
Huwa: He
Waqabeeluhu: and his tribe/ and his ilk. and his kind
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning. QABEELUHU is derived from the root Qaf-B-L and it means front. This is then carried in time or space or any plain of thought. If it is in time, then front means before, while place would be in front. It is used to mean acceptance and reception since we receive and accept using our fronts. QABEELU are people who form a front together, as in tribe or some form of association. HU means him and points to Satan

Min: from
Haythu: you (plural) do not see him
la tarawnahum: you do not see them
Note: LA is for negation of the action that comes next. TARAWNAHUM is derived from the root is R-Hamza-Y and it means viewing or seeing. TARAWNAHUM is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of seeing the object (HUM =them) is happening or will be happening by the subject (second person plural)

Inna: We
jaAAalna: made/designated
Note: JaAAaLNA is derived from the root J-Ain-L and it means making, forming or transforming something that already exists. Conceptually, it takes the meaning of transformation more often than formation. JaAAaLNA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of making the object (ALSHSHAYATEEN= the devils) by the subject (first person plural). In here the making takes the meaning of designating and so on.

alshshayateena: Satans/ the ones that is displaced from God’s mercy and works on displacing others/ the devils.
Note: the root is SH-Ta-N and it means in one of the concrete meanings the long rope and in another the long rope at the well that one uses to get the bucket out of the water. The term is used to mean far and away (in all the planes of thought) as the long rope and it is also used for displacement or pulling away, as a parallel to the rope that pulls the bucked out of the water. ALSHSHAYATEEN are the ones who are far or away (from God’s mercy) and who works at pulling others away through his long “rope”. It is the word used from Satan or devils or any entity to which this designation applies.
Awliyaa: guardians/ directors
Note: the root is W-L-Y and it means direction or following direction with some guarantee. It comes close to guardianship. AWLIYAA is either the one who is a guardian or the one who receives guardianship of another or both. In this context, guardian and director apply.
Lillatheena: to those who
la yuminoona: do not trust/ do not make themselves safe (In Allah)
Note: LA is for negation of the action that comes next. YUMINOON is derived from the root Hamza-M-N and it means safety. Conceptually, it can also be extended to trust as well, because we feel safe in the entity we trust. LA YUMINOON is a negation of action that is happening or will be happening. It means the action of not becoming safe or trusting is happening by the subject (third person plural).

Salaam all and have a great day

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