Friday, July 15, 2005


Salaam all,

This is 2:132
وَوَصَّى بِهَآ إِبْرَاهِيمُ بَنِيهِ وَيَعْقُوبُ يَابَنِيَّ إِنَّ اللَّهَ اصْطَفَى لَكُمُ الدِّينَ فَلاَ تَمُوتُنَّ إَلاَّ وَأَنْتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ
Wawassa biha ibraheemubaneehi wayaAAqoobu ya baniyya inna Allaha istafalakumu alddeena fala tamootunna illa waantummuslimoona

The Aya says:
And Abraham willed her (the declaration of islam 2:131) connected/continued on his children and Jacob. O my children, verily, the GOD chose and purified the obligation for you, therefore do not die except while being muslims.

My personal note:
Al DEEN which is usually translated as religion is actually an obligation and that is the obligation of man towards GOD.

Muslims are the people that dissociate themselves from harm for a better association and that is the association with GOD, including his love and the living according to his direction.

You may notice that I am changing in subtle ways the way I am translating and that is because my own understanding of the concepts is evolving. I am helping myself and I hope that I am helping others as well

Translation of the transliterated words:
Wawassa: And he made connected or continued/And he willed connection or continuation/demanded connection.
Note: WA means And. WASSA is derived from the root W-Sad-Y and in concrete, it means connected or continued green on the ground or other forms of connection and continuation. In abstract, it means a will, or a demand (probably to connect or continue an already established order)
Biha: by her/with her
Note: the her is the Islam that he declared in the previous Aya.
Baneehi: His children
Note: the root is B-N-Y and it means building. This also means son because the son is the product of what the parents built. BANEEHI is the plural for sons and daughters.
wayaAAqoobu: And Jacob
ya baniyya: My children
Note: YA is a calling. BANIYYA is of the same root as BANEEHI and it means my children.
Inna: for stress. The word verily can be ok here
Allaha: The GOD
Istafa: Made arrive at filter/purified, polished and chosen
Note: the root is Sad-F-W and it means filtered and clear or passed through a filter. ISTAFA is the first person plural past tense of a verb that is derived of this root and that means made arrive at filter which means made it purified and polished and chose it.
Lakumu: to you/for you
Alddeena: The obligation
Note: the root is D-Y-N and it means debt or law to be abided with and therefore obligation. The word is used to mean religion, which is ok if religion is understood as an obligation of man towards GOD.
Fala: So do not
Tamootunna: arrive to death/become dead/die
Note: the root is M-W-T and it means death or lack of life.. TAMOOTUNNA is the second person plural present or future tense of a verb that is derived of this root and that means arrive to death/become dead which is simply die.
Illa: except
Waantum: While you are/While being
Muslimoona: Muslims/dissociated from harm for the sake of association with GOD.
Note: the root is S-L-M and it means dissociation from harm for the sake of better association. MUSLIMOON are the ones that perform this dissociation for the sake of the better one and the best association is the one with GOD, which includes closeness to GOD, love of GOD and living by his laws.

Salaam all and have a great day


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