Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Salaam all,

This is 2:220
فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالآخِرَةِ وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْيَتَامَى قُلْ إِصْلاَحٌ لَّهُمْ خَيْرٌ وَإِنْ تُخَالِطُوهُمْ فَإِخْوَانُكُمْ وَاللّهُ يَعْلَمُ الْمُفْسِدَ مِنَ الْمُصْلِحِ وَلَوْ شَاء اللّهُ لأعْنَتَكُمْ إِنَّ اللّهَ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ
Fee alddunya waalakhirati wayasaloonaka AAani alyatama qul islahun lahum khayrun wain tukhalitoohum faikhwanukum waAllahu yaAAlamu almufsida mina almuslihi walaw shaa Allahu laaAAnatakum inna Allaha AAazeezun hakeemun

The Aya says:
In this life and the next. And they ask you (Muhammad PBUH) about the orphans. Say: doing right to them is best, and if you mix with them, then your brothers. And Allah knows the one that does wrong from the one that does right. And if GOD permitted, HE would have pressured you to the breaking point. Verily, Allah is strong, wise.

My personal note:
The Aya continues the theme from the previous one about questions and answers. It finishes the previous Aya by asking people to start thinking about this life and the next. GOD says that if he willed or permitted then HE would have pressured us very hard to the breaking point. This points that GOD did not will for people to be pressured. GOD is merciful and wise in addition to HIS strength and resistance to pressure.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Fee: in
Alddunya: the nearer life/this life
Note: the root is D-N-Y and it means near or nearing for the action form of the word. ALDDUNYA means literally the nearer and is used to mean this life.
Waalakhirati: and the later life/and the remaining life
Note: WA means and. ALAKHIRATI is derived from the root Hamza-KH-R and it means remaining. ALAKHIRATI means the remaining or the later. This, in turn means the later life or the life after death.
Wayasaloonaka: and they ask you
Note: WA means and. YASALOONAKA the root is S-Hamza-L and it means asking. YASALOONA is the third person plural past tense of a verb that is derived from the root. This verb means they arrive asking/questioning in a literal sense and that means they ask. KA is a singular you. Therefore YASALOONAKA means they ask you.
AAani: about
Alyatama: the orphans
Note: the root is Y-T-M and it means the child without a father or the woman without a husband. Therefore, the meaning can be extended to mean the person that needs support of people but does not have it. ALYATAMA means the orphans.
qul: Say
Note: the root is Qaf-W-L and it means speech or saying. QULI is an order form of a verb that is derived from the root. This verb means say.
Islahun: making things right
Note: the root is Sad-L-Ha and it means righting the wrong for the action or right for the noun. This includes making things useful and reconciling a relationship and so forth. ISLAHUN means making things right.
Lahum: to them
Khayrun: better/good/best
Note: the root is KH-Y-R and it means choice or choosing. This word can be extended to mean good or better because that would be the better choice. KHAYRUN here means better.
Wain: and if
Tukhalitoohum: you (plural) exchange mixing with them
Note: the root is KH-L-Ta and it means mixing. TUKHALITOO is the second person plural present or future tense of a verb that is derived from the root. This verb is interactive and therefore it carries the meaning of mixing opposite mixing or exchange of mixing. HUM means them. Therefore TUKHALITOOHUM means you exchange mixing with them, which, in turn means, you mix with them.
Faikhwanukum: therefore your brothers
Note: FA means therefore. IKHWANUKUM is derived from the root Hamza-KH and it means brother. IKHWANU means brothers of. KUM means you (plural)
waAllahu: and Allah/ and GOD
yaAAlamu: knows
Note: the root is Ain-L-M and it means knowing or knowledge. YaAALAMU is the third person singular present or future tense of a verb that is derived from the root. This verb means HE happens/arrives/becomes knowing. This, in turn means, HE knows.
Almufsida: the one that damages/the one that does wrong.
Note: the root is F-S-D and it means damage/destruction or anything that is done wrongly. ALMUFSIDA is the one that does the damage/destruction/wrong.
Mina: from
Almuslihi: the one that does right.
Note: the root is Sad-L-Ha and it means righting the wrong for the action part of the meaning or right for the noun. This includes making things useful and reconciling a relationship and so forth. ALMUSLIHI is the one that does right.
Walaw: and if
Shaa: willed/permitted
Note: The root is SH-Y-Hamza and it means entity. SHAA is the third person singular past tense of a verb that is derived from this root. This verb means arrived entity/make entity happen and so forth. This, in turn here, means willed or permitted something to happen.
Allahu: Allah/GOD
laaAAnatakum: then he would have pressured you (plural) to breaking point.
Note: La means then here. AaAANATA is derived from the root Ain-N-T and it means pressure a bone so that it breaks. This is the concrete meaning and it means in abstract, the suffering and all things that pressure us to breaking points. AaAANATA is the third person singular past tense of a verb that is derived from the root. This verb means made become pressured to breaking point. KUM is the plural you. So, AaAANATAKUM means HE made you pressured to breaking point or he would have made you pressured to breaking point.
Inna: verily
Allaha: Allah/GOD
AAazeezun: strong resistant to pressure
Note: the root is Ain-Z-Z and it means strong and resistant to pressure. AAaZIZ is the one who is strong and resistant to pressure at the same time.
Hakeemun: wise/best at steering
Note: the root is Ha-K-M and it means steer of the animals or so forth in the concrete sense. This word is also used to means ruling/judging as well as wisdom, because the best steerer would make the best decision using knowledge, justice and compassion.

salaam all and have a great day


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