Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Salaam all,

This is 2:238
حَافِظُواْ عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ والصَّلاَةِ الْوُسْطَى وَقُومُواْ لِلّهِ قَانِتِينَ
Hafithoo AAala alssalawati waalssalati alwusta waqoomoo lillahi qaniteena

The Aya says:
Arrive keeping intact on the prayers and the middle prayer, and rise to Allah/for the sake of Allah in dedication.

My personal note:
Arrive keeping intact has many meanings and one of them is remember and the other is keep on doing the action and the two meanings are correct. The word may have other appropriate meanings as well.

The prayer between the ends or the middle prayer, has many potential meanings and one of them the prayer that is not at the beginning of the day nor the beginning of the night and that may include the prayers of the afternoon, noon or even the night.

The word Salat Wusta can also be understood the best prayer in one or other ways.

However, the message is to keep intact the prayer in one fashion or another and the dedication to Allah, in the prayer and outside of it.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Hafithoo: Keep intact/preserve (in an interactive manner)
Note: the root is Ha-F-THA and it means keep intact. This meaning has two areas about it, one is the keeping the thing or the person intact as in preservation and the other is keeping intact in the memory as in remembering it. HAFTHOO is an order to the group and it means: arrive keeping intact (with a sense of interactiveness in it). I would expect that the keep intact is in memory and in practice and in all aspects of keeping intact.
AAala: on
Alssalawati: the prayers
Note: the root is Sad-L-W and it means the lower back in the concrete. MUSALLI is the horse that is in the race whose face is approaching the lower back of the horse ahead. SALAT means prayer in other languages of semitic origin. ALSSALAWAT means the prayers.
Waalssalati: and the prayer
Note: the root is Sad-L-W and it means the lower back in the concrete. MUSALLI is the horse that is in the race whose face is approaching the lower back of the horse ahead. SALAT means prayer in other languages of semitic origin. ALSSALTI means the prayer.
Alwusta: the middle/the in between the two ends
Note: the root is W-S-TA and it means what is in between the two ends. This means middle at times and at times it means the better position because the better position is the one not on the edge.
Waqoomoo: and rise/and stand upright
Note: WA means and. QOOMOO is derived from the root Qaf-Y-M and it means standing upright. QOOMOO is an order to a group to rise up or stand upright. This is also one of the forms that a person assumes especially in the beginning of the prayer and that is standing and reciting the Qur’an while standing.
Lillahi: To Allah/for the sake of Allah
Qaniteena: Dedicating/in dedication
Note: the root is Qaf-N-T and it means dedicating. The meaning can have silence to the other, acceptance of the lordship of the one above him/her and standing as well. What puts all the meanings together best is the dedication.

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