Friday, September 08, 2006


Salaam all,

This is 2:286
لاَ يُكَلِّفُ اللّهُ نَفْسًا إِلاَّ وُسْعَهَا لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَعَلَيْهَا مَا اكْتَسَبَتْ رَبَّنَا لاَ تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِن نَّسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا رَبَّنَا وَلاَ تَحْمِلْ عَلَيْنَا إِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهُ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِنَا رَبَّنَا وَلاَ تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لاَ طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنَّا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا وَارْحَمْنَآ أَنتَ مَوْلاَنَا فَانصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ
La yukallifu Allahu nafsan illa wusAAaha laha ma kasabat waAAalayha ma iktasabat rabbana la tuakhithna in naseena aw akhtana rabbana wala tahmil AAalayna isran kama hamaltahu AAala allatheena min qablina rabbana wala tuhammilna ma la taqata lana bihi waoAAfu AAanna waighfir lana wairhamna anta mawlana faonsurna AAala alqawmi alkafireena

The Aya says:
Allah does not burden a self except within her capacity. To her belongs what she earned (of good), and on her what she made herself earn (of bad). Our nurturing Lord: Do not hold us accountable if we forgot or made unintentional error. Our nurturing Lord, and do not make us carry additional burden as you did to the ones before us. Our nurturing Lord: and do not make us carry what we cannot carry. And erase (our sins) away from us and provide protective cover to us, and have mercy on us. You (are) our Guardian, therefore aid us on the rejecting group.

My personal note:
On first sight the two terms waoAAfu AAanna waighfir lana may seem to mean the same thing but they are not. OAAFU AAaNNA is an erasing of something. Here it means erasing the sin of the person from being counted. It also can mean erasing anything that is bad on the path. IGHFIR LANA has the meaning of protective cover. It includes protecting from committing sin and protection from the effect of sin. So, the two words may share aspects of forgiveness, but they are also different in other fashions and ways. This issue is important, since when two words are repeated next to each other in the Qur’an, it is often to highlight that they are different terms and are pointing to some important subtle issues.

Translation of the transliterated words:
La: not
Yukallifu: He makes burdened
Note: the root is K-L-F and it means: reddish to brown rash on the skin. The word is then considered as some burden of some sort according to the plane of thought of the sentence. YUKALLIFU is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of making burdened is happening by the subject (third person singular pointing to Allah which is coming next) to the object (Nafsan=self also coming after Allah)
Allahu: Allah/God
Note: that is the subject of the previous action.
Nafsan: a self
Note: the root N-F-S and it means breath. NAFSAN means a breath, but it also means a self, because the self breathes.
Illa: except
wusAAaha: her capacity/ her encompassment
Note: the root is W-S-Ain and it means the opposite of narrow or wide in a concrete and abstract meanings. It also means the ability to encompass within. WUSAAa means encompassment of or capacity of. HA means her.
Laha: to her belongs
Ma: what
Kasabat: she earned/ she collected
Note: the root is K-S-B and it means earning or collecting. KASABAT is an action that is completed and that is derived from the root. It means: the action of earning or collecting happened by the subject (third person singular feminine pointing to nafsan). It carries that suggestion that what it earned is good.
waAAalayha: and on her
ma: what
iktasabat: She made herself earn (of bad)
Note: the root is K-S-B and it means earning or collecting. IKTASABAT is an action that is completed and that is derived from the root. It means: the action of making onself earn or collect happened by the subject (third person singular feminine pointing to nafsan). It carries that suggestion that what it made herself earn was bad.
Rabbana: our nurturing Lord
Note: the root is R-B-B and it means lord or king who is also nurturing and sustaining. The word is used for the head of the household and for the teacher because both are leaders over us and they nurture us in many ways. RABBA means: nurturing lord of. NA means us. The nurturing lord is God, for he is our lord and nurturer/sustainer at the same time.
La: not
Tuakhithna: You (singular) reproach us
Note: the root is Hamza-KH-TH and it means taking. TUAKHITH is an action that is being completed or will be completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of taking is happening or will be happening in an interactive manner by the subject (second person singular pointing to God) to the object NA which means us. LA TUAKHTHNA in turn means: Do not take from us because we took from you somehow and that really means: Do not reproach us.
In: if
Naseena: we forgot
Note: the root is N-S-Y and it means leaving something or someone. It is also used to mean forgetting because you leave the memory. NASEENA is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of forgetting happened by the subject (first person plural).
Aw: or
Akhtana: We erred unintentionally
Note: the root is KH-Ta-Hamza and it means unintentional error. AKHTANA is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of making unintentional error happened by the subject (first person plural)
Rabbana: our nurturing Lord
Note: the root is R-B-B and it means lord or king who is also nurturing and sustaining. The word is used for the head of the household and for the teacher because both are leaders over us and they nurture us in many ways. RABBA means: nurturing lord of. NA means us. The nurturing lord is God, for he is our lord and nurturer/sustainer at the same time.
Wala: and not
Tahmil: you carry/ you bring carrying
Note: the root is Ha-M-L and it means carrying. The concrete words are what the tree carries of fruits or the baby sheep which was just born after having been carried in the womb. TAHMIL is an action that is happening or will be happening. It means the action of carrying is happening or will be happening by the subject (second person singular pointing to God).
AAalayna: on us
Isran: additional burden
Note: the root is Hamza-Sad-R and it means addition to something or adding to something or someone. It can be anything including a burden and this is understood from the plain of thought of the sentence. ISRAN means here additional burden.
Kama: as
Hamaltahu: You brought carrying him/ You carried him
Note: the root is Ha-M-L and it means carrying. The concrete words are what the tree carries of fruits or the baby sheep which was just born after having been carried in the womb. HAMALTA is an action that happened that is derived from the root. It means the action of carrying is happened by the subject (second person singular pointing to God) to the subject HU means him and points to ISRAN=additional burden.
AAala: on
Allatheena: those who
Min: from/of
Qablina: before us
Note: the root is Qaf-B-L and it means front. This is then carried in time or space or any plain of thought. QABLI in here means in front of in time and that means before of. NA means us.
Rabbana: our nurturing Lord
Note: the root is R-B-B and it means lord or king who is also nurturing and sustaining. The word is used for the head of the household and for the teacher because both are leaders over us and they nurture us in many ways. RABBA means: nurturing lord of. NA means us. The nurturing lord is God, for he is our lord and nurturer/sustainer at the same time.
Wala: and not
Tuhammilna: make us carry
Note: the root is Ha-M-L and it means carrying. The concrete words are what the tree carries of fruits or the baby sheep which was just born after having been carried in the womb. TUHAMMILNA is an action that is happening or will be happening that is derived from the root. It means the action of making carrying is happening or will be happening by the subject (second person singular pointing to God) to the subject NA which means us.
Ma: what
La: not
Taqata: ability to surround/encompass
Note: the root is Ta-W-Qaf and it means in concrete when something surrounds another completely. So, it takes the meaning of surrounding or going in circles. It also carries the meaning of being able to control or encompass something as being able to control it. TAQATA here means the ability to surround or encompass
Lana: to us
Bihi: in him/ by him/him
Note: Bi denotes that what comes after is a tool and/or an object or an association with an action that was mentioned. In here the action is making us accountable. HI means him.
TUHAMMILNA MA LA TAQATA LANA BIHI: the expression means: Do not make us carry what we cannot carry.
waoAAfu: and erase (sin)
Note: WA means and. oAAFU is derived from the root is Ain-F-W and it means erasing with an eraser. This is the concrete and in abstract it means forgive or give up something, because that means you erase it from your record, either by forgiving or by giving something to someone else. OAAFU is a request to a singular. It means: and erase and make erased.
AAanna: from us/ away from us
WAoAAFU AAaNNA means: and erase from us our sins, because that is what they needed to be erased.
Waighfir: and provide protective cover (from sin)
Note: WA means and. IGHFIR is derived from the root GH-F-R and it means the helmet of the soldier in the battle. This one of the concrete words and the word is therefore used to mean protective covering in many fashions as in protecting the person from the error or protecting the person from the consequence of error and that is forgiveness. IGHFIR is a request from a singular. It means: and provide protective cover. This cover encompasses protection from doing sin and protection from the consequences of sin.
Lana: to us
Wairhamna: and have mercy on us
Note: Wa means and. IRHAMNA is derived from the root R-Ha-M and it means womb in concrete. This can be extended to all the positive qualities that the womb provides to the fetus. This word is used for mercy. IRHMNA means have mercy on us.
Anta: You
Mawlana: our guardian/ Our director, guarantor
Note: the root is W-L-Y and it means direction or following direction. MAWLA is director and guarantor of or guardian of. NA means us.
Faonsurna: therefore aid us /therefore help us
Note: FA means therefore or so or then. ONSURNA is derived from the root N-Sad-R and it means aid or help at a time of need. ONSURNA is a request from a singular to provide aid at the time of need.
AAala: on
Alqawmi: the group
Note: the root is Qaf-W-M and it means standing upright. ALQAWMI means the group that is standing together. This in turn means: the group or the people.
Alkafireena: the rejecting
Note: the root is K-F-R and it means covering. One of the concrete meanings of the word is the burying of the seed in the ground to plant it. This word also takes the meaning of rejecting or refusing something, since the person that rejects something will bury it in the ground. ALKAFIREENA are the rejecting.

Salaam all, this is the end of the second Sura of the Qur'an Al Baqara. Please not that you may notice some difference in my thought process and understanding of the words when you compare the beginning of the Sura from the ending of it. It reflects my continuing learning process. I believe that my later understandings are better and more evolved, but I can be wrong.

The next installment will be from the third Sura Aal Imran


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