Thursday, July 14, 2011


Salaam all,

Falamma nasoo ma thukkiroo bihi fatahna AAalayhim abwaba kulli shayin hatta itha farihoo bima ootoo akhathnahum baghtatan faitha hum mublisoona

The Aya says:
So when they abandoned what they were reminded of, We opened upon them doors of everything. Untill when they became delighted with what they were given, We took them suddenly, so then they are broke.

My personal note:
This Aya in combination with the previous Ayat seem to give an idea of the workings of how God gives us warnings and so on. The previous Ayat suggest that He will make us suffer a little to remember Him and to ask for his help, but when some humans forget or abandon His warnings and teachings, They may live a good life until they are taken by God and then they are completely broke without resources but also without acceptable excuses for their behavious and actions.

It is a message to all humanity that living a prosperous life is not a proof of living in harmony with God, nor is it a proof that the person is safe from the punishment of God despite his aggression and misbehavior. It is a matter of time before he or she is taken by God.

The word MUBLIS is used here and it means: when the person has no excuses of acceptable explanations for his or her bad actions and behaviours. It also carries with it the lack of hope of a reprieve. May Allah prevents us from being Mublis on that day.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Falamma: so when
Nasoo: they forgot/ they abandoned
Note: NASOO is derived from the root N-S-Y and it is the one used for women. This same root is used for the sciatic nerve as a concrete word and for forgetting or abandoning an entity. The relation between the different meanings is only in an indirect manner. The use here is for abandoning or forgetting. NASOO is an action that is completed. It means: the action of forgetting or abandoning the object (MA THUKKIROO BIHI= what they were reminded of) happened by the subject (third person plural).
Ma: what
Thukkiroo: they were reminded and mentioned to
Note: the root is TH-K-R and it means mention and remember, at the same time. The concrete word is something running on the tongue as if speaking it. Another concrete word is male or the male organ. The relationship between the two is not very clear and they can be different words that share the sound but have different root. It could be that the male is considered the active organ and that memory is an active process, but that is only a theory. THUKKIROO is an action that is completed. It means: the action of reminding and mentioning to the object (third person plural) of another object (BIHI= in him pointing to the book) happened by the subject (undeclared).

Bihi: by him/ With him
Note: Bi suggests that what comes after it is either an association with the action, a tool of the action or an object of the action or any combination of the three. If bi serves as an object of the action that it serves as an emphasis of the action. HI means him and it points to announcing the food.
Fatahna: We opened/ We provided
Note: the root is F-T-Ha and it means to open for the verb and opening for the noun. The concept that it carries are either opening or relieving from pressure which includes a gain or win. FATAHNA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of opening the object (ABWABA= doors) happened by the subject (first person plural)..

Aaalayhim: upon them
Abwaba: doors of
Note: the root is B-W-B and it means door or gate. ABWABA means doors or the gates of.

Kulli: every/ each
Note: KULLI is derived from the root K-L-L and it means the parts put together. This is the concrete and it means all or every or each. It can also be extended conceptually to mean the parts surrounding an entity. KULLI means every, or each.
Shayin: entity/ thing
Note: the root is SH-Y-Hamza and it means entity. SHAYIN means entity. It is taken here to mean a thing or entity
Hatta: untill
Itha: when
Farihoo: they delighted
Note: the root is F-R-Ha and it means delight. This could be positive or negative according to the reason for the delight that one attains. FARIHOO is an action that is completed. It means: the action of delighting happened by the subject (third person plural)

Bima: by what/ with what/ in what
Note: Bi denotes that what comes after is a tool and/or an object or an association with an action that was mentioned. If it is an object of the action then it makes it stronger. MA means what
Ootoo: they were given/ were brought
Note: the root is Hamza-T-Y and it means coming with determination. The concrete word is for the water that flows in a place where it did not rain, therefore suggesting that the water came from somewhere else. OOTOO is a completed action that is derived from the root. It means: the action of coming happened to the object (third person plural) by an undisclosed subject. It then means literally: they were brought/something was made to come to them.

Akhathnahum: We took them
Note: AKHATHNA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of taking the object (HUM= them) is completed by the subject (third person plural pointing to Allah or Allah and whoever works under him).

Baghtatan: suddenly/ unprepared/ unannounced
Note: the root is B-Ghain-T and it means sudden or coming as a surprise when one is unprepared and so on. BAGHTATAN means suddenly.
Faitha: so then
Hum: they
Mublisoona: broke/ without resources/ without response/hope
Note: the root is B-L-S and it means the lack of hope or lack of reasonable answer or response. MUBLISOONA are the ones who have no answer and or no hope.

Salaam all and have a great day.


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