Thursday, April 14, 2005


Salaam all,

This is 2:78
وَمِنْهُمْ أُمِّيُّونَ لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ الْكِتَابَ إِلاَّ أَمَانِيَّ وَإِنْ هُمْ إِلاَّ يَظُنُّونَ
Waminhum ommiyyoona la yaAAlamoonaalkitaba illa amaniyya wa-in hum illayathunnoona

The Aya says “And amongst them (the Israelites) people who are stuck to their base without working towards a goal(which is the Arabic expression for illiteracy). They don’t know the book except for what they wish was written, and they follow their suspicion without solid proofs.

My personal note:
This Aya basically tells us that some people of the book of GOD remain at their base, without working on a goal to reach (illiterate). Those same people, lack knowledge of the books except for what they wish was written. They follow suspicion that lacks solid proofs.

The Aya tells us that we need to work on goals to reach in the direction of GOD. It also asks us to get educated in the book of GOD and not follow what we wish is written in the book. The AYA also asks us to look for solid proofs. This Aya talks about the Israelites, yet it applies to all of us.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Waminhum: And of them/and amongst them
Ommiyyoona: People without a goal to work on reaching /illiterate people
Note: This is a very important word that will come often. The root is Hamza-M-M and it means to work on reaching a goal (which could be a place or any other goal). Another important word that is from this root is UMM which means Mother, or the base/source/ origin of everything. UMMI is someone who is still stuck at the base and is not working on reaching the goal. It is used for illiterate people or for gentiles.
la yaAAlamoonaa: They don’t know
Note: LA means not/no. YaAALAMOON is derived from the root Ain-L-M and it means to know. YaAALAMOON is the third person plural present tense of the verb.
Lkitaba: The book (of GOD)/the process of writing (from GOD)
Note: the root is K-T-B and it means to write for the verb and writing for the noun. KITAB is any place or tool of writing, including book, piece of paper or ink. Al that is present at the beginning points to the fact that this book or this process is known and it points to the books/process of writing from GOD
Illa: Except for
Amaniyya: Wishes of writing/wishes of destiny
Note:The root is M-N-Y and it means to destine/to write a destiny. I used write because in Arabic understanding, destiny is written. AMANIYY is a plural noun for wishes of something being destined or written.
wa-in hum illa: And they are but
yathunnoona: suspecting/holding ideas without clear proofs.
Note: The root is THA-N-N and it means to think/suspect or any sort of belief without clear proofs

Salaam all and have a great day


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