Wednesday, January 19, 2005



I want to bring to your attention that I edited the 2:5 post in case you needed to study it. Now we start with the 2:16

2:16 اولئك الذين اشتروا الضلالة بالهدي فما ربحت تجارتهم وما كانوا مهتدين
Ola-ika allatheena ishtarawooalddalalata bialhuda famarabihat tijaratuhum wama kanoomuhtadeena

Ola-ika: Those
Allatheena: That
Ishtarawoo: bought/traded/took
Note: The root is SH-R-W. This word means a certain type of trade where you take something in exchange for something else. The emphasis is on the product or the service that you want to take. It is understood as buying something, however, in case that what you wanted is the money then the same word can be used and has been used in the Qur’an as in 2:174 and 3:175. I will use it as buying/taking and follow it with what they sold instead in order to clarify it.
Alddalalata: The loss/Lack of guidance/lack of direction.
Note: The root is DD-L-L and it means to get lost/to lose direction. DDALALA is the noun that is related to the verb. Therefore it is the act of getting lost.
Bialhuda: (in exchange for) the gift of guidance
Famarabihat: So, did not win/gain
Note: The root is R-B-H and it means to win/to succeed/to gain. RABIHAT is the third person singular past tense of the verb.
Tijaratuhum: Their trade
This word means Trade. It is a derivative of the word A-J-R and it means To ask for services and pay some sort of fee (monetary or otherwise). TIJARA is the noun of the derived verb TAJAR which is related and it means to exchange products or services and TIJARA is the exchange act itself.
wama kanoo: And they were not
muhtadeena: gifted with guidance

My Note:
This Ayah means “Those are the ones that took the lack of guidance in exchange for the gift of guidance. A trade that did not win and they ended up lacking in guidance (from anywhere).

Salam and may GOD give us all guidance.


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