Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Salam all

This is 2:41
وامنوا بما انزلت مصدقا لما معكم ولا تكونوا اول كافر به ولا تشتروا باياتي ثمنا قليلا واياي فاتقون
Waaminoo bima anzaltu musaddiqanlima maAAakum wala takoonoo awwala kafirinbihi wala tashtaroo bi-ayatee thamananqaleelan wa-iyyaya faittaqooni

Waaminoo: and make (yourselves) safe/make (yourselves) trust
Note: This is a word that is a derivative of A-M-N which is used to mean Believe. However, the main meaning is TRUST or SAFETY. I Think that the person that Trusts and feels Safe in GOD has to be a Believer first. So the Trust and Safety are a deeper meaning to the Word and includes belief in it. AAMINOO is an order to a plural that means make (yourselves) trust/make (yourselves) feel safe/Make (yourselves) attain safety.
Bima: In what
Anzaltu: I made arrive
Note: This is a derivative of the root N-Z-L. To explain the word I will use the derivatives NUZUL meaning hotel (A place where people who arrive stay) and Manzel meaning home or the place where guests stay. Therefore to me the essence of the word is “arriving somewhere and staying for a certain time”. AZALTU is a first person past tense of a derived verb that means “I made arrive”. What GOD made arrive are the different messages that came with the different prophets.
Musaddiqan: Making true/declaring true
Note: This is a word whose derivatives will be seen often in the Qur’an. S-D-Q means to say Truth. The derivatives that will come most often are SADEQ, someone who says the truth. SADEEQ, means close friend (because he/she will say the truth always). SADDEEQ is a Saint (because he is truthful in his relation to GOD). SADAQA and it means Charity (This probably shows how Charity is viewed as something Truthful to do, truthful to GOD and to humanity).
MUSADDIQEEN is the plural of the word MUSADDIQ which is the person that makes true (something)/declares to be true (something) depending on the situation. Here, the meaning is: declaring true
Lima: To what is
maAAakum: with you
Note: MaAA means with. MaAAaKUM is with you addressing a plural masculine group (which is inclusive of males and females)
Wala: And do not
Takoonoo: Be
Note: The root here is K-W-N and it means to be. It is very different from the verb To Be that exists in the Indo-European languages, in the fact that it is absent in many sentences.
Awwala: first
Note: the root here is A-W-L and the concrete word is AWWAL which means first. The root means To return (with the sense of returning to the beginning/source/origin).
Kafirin: Disbeliever (through burying your heads in the ground of your prejudice)
Note: This word is used a lot to mean as the above. It’s root is K-F-R and it means to cover, mainly to put a seed in the ground for planting. The word Kuffar was used in 57:20. to mean Farmers. The word K-F-R and it’s derivatives were used for disbelief because Disbelievers bury their head in the ground (of their prejudice and bias) and do not listen to the message. Also some derivatives (KAFFAR) were used to mean forgiveness of sins (by burying them). KAFIR is the singular of the word KUFFAR
Bihi: In him
Note: The HIM that is talked about here is (MA ANZALTU) that was mentioned earlier (WHAT I-GOD- MADE ARRIVE) which is the message(s) that came to the Israelites and to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Wala: And Do not
Tashtaroo: Buy/Take (something in exchange of something else)
Note: The root is SH-R-W. This word means a certain type of trade where you take something in exchange for something else. The emphasis is on the product or the service that you want to take. It is understood as buying something, however, in case that what you wanted is the money then the same word can be used and has been used in the Qur’an as in 2:174 and 3:175. I will use it as buying/taking and follow it with what they sold instead in order to clarify it. TASHTAROO is the first person plural present tense of the verb that means To buy/To take (Something in exchange of something else)
bi-ayatee: In (exchange for) my signs
Note: AYAT is plural of the word AYAH and that means a sign. KATHTHABOO BIAYATINA literally means made/declared lies of our signs and this officially means They claimed that our signs are a lie/The did not believe our signs
Thamanan: Price (in numbers)
Note: THAMAN means price. It is related to the THAMANIA which is number eight. Therefore THAMAN is a price in numbers.
Qaleelan: Few
Note: The root is Q-L-L and it become few/to becomes smaller. QALEEL is few. Thamananqaleelan basically means Low Price.
wa-iyyaya: And ME (GOD)
faittaqooni: Make yourselves guarded/guard yourselves. My understanding of wa-iyyaya faittaqooni is Be Conscious of ME (GOD)
Note: The root is W-Q-W and it means to Guard. ITTAQA means to make own self guarded, ITTAQOON is an order form directed to the second person plural that means Guard your own selves ME (GOD). The best way to Guard is through consciousness. The best consciousness is the GOD consciousness.

The AYAH continues to address the Israelites. And it says “And make yourselves trust in What I have made arrive (message) that declares true what you have (your books). And do not be the first that disbelieve in the message (through burying your heads in your own biases). And be conscious of ME (GOD).

My personal note:
This note to the Israelites asking them to believe in the message that came after Moses. A message that declares true the TORAH (and other books). It is also a reminder that they should Guard themselves GOD which means Be GOD Conscious. This is a responsibility that the Israelites had to carry with them.

Another important point:
The message was mentioned in the singular form and that is very significant because the message from GOD to humanity is one, even though it came through different people and in different books.

Salaam all and I will see you later


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